Street Opening Fee Schedule

Note: The actual amount of each refundable deposit shall be reasonably determined by the Awarding Authority to be sufficient to secure Applicant’s performance under this By-Law. Each project varies, and as such, the deposit amount will be determined individually for each project. This list is provided as a general guideline.

Nominal Schedule of Refundable Deposits for Street Opening Work in Public Ways:

  • To open to center of Public Way $300.00 each opening
  • To open across a Public Way $600.00 each opening
  • To open trench in unpaved shoulder $10.00 per linear foot (parallel to street)
  • To open trench in Paved Public Way-$25.00 per linear foot (parallel to street)
  • Curb cut for a private driveway-$200.00
  • Curb cut for a subdivision street-$500.00

Newly paved roads:

  • To center of a Public Way $700.00
  • Across a Public Way $1400.00

To open sidewalk (includes 3 sq. yd.)

  • Bituminous concrete sidewalk $300.00
  • Concrete sidewalk $600.00

To excavate a sidewalk (over 3 sq. yds.)

  • Bituminous concrete sidewalk $15.00 per sq. yd
  • Concrete sidewalk $25.00 per sq. yd.