Notice on January Town Meeting and Quorum



In regards to the Town Meeting set for January 12, 2021 consisting of one article:

The Board of Selectmen, in accordance with Section 7 of An Act Relative to Municipal Governance during the COVID-19 Emergency, signed into law by the Governor on June 5, 2020, will consider, in consultation and with the approval of the town moderator, a reduction of the number of registered voters required to constitute a quorum. Raynham Bylaws provide that a quorum at any town meeting, except such parts as are devoted elections of town officers, shall consist of twenty-five (25) registered voters. Section 7 of An Act Relative to Municipal Governance during the COVID-19 Emergency, allows for a reduction in quorum to a number that is less than the number that would otherwise be required by law, town by-law or town charter; provided, however, that the number of voters necessary to constitute a quorum shall not be less than 10 percent of the number that would otherwise be required.