Amended Minutes

Planning Board
Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 17, 2020

Meeting Minutes-Amended

September 17, 2020

Call to Order:

Chairman Andrade opened the meeting of September 17, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. and informed that the meeting is being recorded.

Board Members Present (5):

Mr. Daniel Andrade-Chair; Mr. Burke Fountain-Vice Chair; Mr. Russell Driscoll-Clerk, Mr. Matthew Andrade.  Mr. Christopher Gallagher remotely via GoToMeeting.

Also present: Mr. Robert Iafrate, Building Commissioner/Planning, Mr. Steve Ventresca, P.E., Nitsch Engineering, and Maureen McKenney, Administrative Assistant.

6:00 p.m. – Christina’s Path - Road acceptance:

Mr. Iafrate explained that the developer of Christina’s Path has requested Town acceptance of the road.   Mr. Ventresca was present tonight via remote.  He informed that Christina’s Path is not ready for acceptance as the applicant continues to work on the roadway and the items previously discussed have not been completed.  Members discussed presenting the road for acceptance at the Town Meeting in November.  If the road is not ready by November, the Board could simply state that it is not a good idea to accept at this time.   The project has been on the table for some time, and Chairman Andrade requested the Building Department try to stay on top of the developer to get the items completed.

No action taken on the matter by the Board until a report of completion is received from Mr. Ventresca.

Public Hearing – 675 Paramount Drive:

On behalf of the applicant, Prime Engineering forwarded a letter requesting a continuance until October 1, 2020.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to continue the Public Hearing for 675 Paramount Drive until October 1, 2020, at 6:10 p.m.  Discussion:  None.  Vote: 4-0.

Whippoorwill Woods:

Mr. Richard Andrukonis, resident of Raynham, MA and Project Manager for D’Angelo, Inc., was present.

Chairman Andrade would like to discuss the sidewalk and road completion of the subdivision.  Mr. Andrukonis informed that they agreed to do the sidewalks, and in the spring do the crack sealing followed by curbing and paving.  Unfortunately, the COVID epidemic held up the project.  GB & Sons completed the curbing (manufactured by Fletcher).  Chairman Andrade conducted a site visit prior to the meeting this evening and commented on the work he saw done.  Asphalt Services will be paving the road and the remaining item will be to loam and seed one side of the street, which should be completed next week.  Chairman Andrade discussed the time length of the project and the hold of two (2) lots until a timeframe is received.

Mr. Iafrate requested a plan for Partridge Lane.  The completion of Partridge will take place next spring.  Because there are two roads in the subdivision, the developer is going to complete one road now and complete the second road once the remaining houses are built.  Mr. Iafrate informed that Nitsch Engineering would recommend a bond if the road is not complete.

Mr. Ventresca informed that he met with the Highway Superintendent at Whippoorwill Drive and discussed Lot 71, which is at the intersection of Cardinal Circle and Whippoorwill Drive.  Due to the slope of the driveway, the sidewalk is not ADA compliant.

Chairman Andrade discussed the retention area and fence proposed.  Mr. Ventresca informed that the retention basin can be maintained without any Conservation restrictions.  Previous projects within Town installed a black chain-link fence, 4 feet high with a 10-foot double gate for maintenance of the retention basin.  The decision to use this type of fence comes from discussions when presenting the project to the Board.

Mr. Fountain is not in favor of fencing around a pond, but if there is vegetation growing around or up the fence, then it looks more natural.  Mr. Iafrate informed that prior to installing a fence, all the brush that is inside and around the basin should be cleared to the top of the slope.

Ed Buckley, Highway Superintendent, forwarded to the Board his comments on the fence.  The basin area is difficult to maintain with a fence, but it does keep the debris out of the basin.

Members concurred to defer discussion of a fence until further information/input can be obtained.

One additional item of concern is the top concrete drainage structure not being secured.

Mr. Gallagher informed that if the detention basin is designed properly, it will drain within 24-48 hours.  An open area would allow the Highway Department to clean the basin easily. 

Commerce Way Hotel – Discussion on landscaping:

Mr. Iafrate has conducted a site visit with Mr. Ventresca to review the landscaping.  A reduction in plantings was requested by the developer.  There seems to be a big discrepancy in what is planted and what is depicted on the plans.  Mr. Driscoll informed that an email was received late today with plans that show what has been planted.

Mr. Ventresca informed that the plantings provided are less than half of what was approved by the Board.  Chairman Andrade has visited the site and counted approximately 55 shrubs, noting there were trees that weren’t planted.  Also, the existing fence is leaning, and the front of the building has six dead trees.   Mr. Driscoll concurred with Chairman Andrade with the appeal of the landscape and the fence.

Mr. Gallagher also has visited the site and noticed plantings are not adequate and some are not healthy.  Chairman Andrade requested correspondence be forwarded to the developer informing them that the plantings need to be enhanced to a level that is better than what is there and the fence needs to be fixed.  The developer currently has a Temporary Occupancy Permit that will remain in effect until next spring.   Mr. Iafrate suggested a letter be obtained from Paramount Park prior to the Board’s final approval.

730 Locust Street – Preliminary discussion for Open Space concept plan:

Present was Eric Dias, P.E., Strong Point Engineering Solutions, and Luke Klim from Klim Land Surveying, Inc.  There is a single-family home on the subject property and there are two existing orders for vegetated wetlands on the east side of the lot.  Boundary lines have not been confirmed; therefore, the project has not been presented to the Conservation Commission.  Most of the disturbance will be in the front of the lot near Locust Street with the back area of the lot being wooded.  The plans show nine conforming conventional subdivision lots with a 50-foot right of way.  Lot #1 on the plans will be dedicated to the existing home.  The existing home will conform to zoning with a 40,000 sq. ft. lot.  Proposed waivers for the roadway: 1) rather than a 50 -foot right-of-way, the applicant proposes a 40-foot right-of-way with same 22-ft. pavement width,  which is what’s needed for this level of service and, 2) Cape Cod berm is shown on the side of the road without sidewalk and vertical granite curbing is shown on the opposite side of the road, which has a sidewalk.  A 20-foot open space buffer around the perimeter of the property with access to the open space from Lots #3 and #4.  A stormwater basin will be located behind Lot #4.  Grading and utility plans were provided.  The sewer proposed is a common force main that will run from the cul-de-sac to the mid-point of the road with a flow of gravity from station 300 back to Locust Street.  Mr. Dias informed that one side of the road is designed for houses with walk-out basements.

With the project having about 47% open space, Mr. Gallagher said that he would like to see the percentage come closer to the required 40% and the lots become larger.

Chairman Andrade discussed 25-ft. spacing between houses. 

Before final plans are drafted, Chairman Andrade suggested the developer speak to Mr. Ventresca to review.

If 730 Locust Street will be a conforming Residential A lot, then the depth must be 200 feet and the address will need to be changed to the name of the new street.  With Locust Street being freshly paved, Mr. Iafrate suggested the developer contract the Highway Department due to the five-year moratorium on opening the road.

Chairman Andrade suggested the developer file for the acceptance of the Open Space Definitive Plan and public hearing for subdivision.

  • General Business & Correspondence:

    - Invoices/Bills Payable - Bill presented to the Board for approval and signing.

   - Correspondence:  The Board received several e-mail correspondences from neighbors of Whippoorwill Woods regarding proposed fence installation around the retention basin, which was discussed earlier

     in the meeting.

  • Planning Coordinator Update: 

   - Mr. Iafrate discussed that Rules & Regulations need to be reviewed at a special meeting with Steve Ventresca, Nitsch Engineering.  Mr. Gallagher asked that he be sent a paper copy of the Rules &     

    Regulations to mark up and forward to Mr. Ventresca.

  • SRPEDD Update: 

    - Mr. Matthew Andrade noted the next SRPEDD meeting is scheduled for next week.

Plans to be signed (No plans submitted for endorsement.)

Adjournment:  MOTION- Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to adjourn from the Raynham Planning Board Meeting of September 17, 2020, at 7:33 p.m. with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Driscoll, Clerk