Planning Board

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Thursday, September 3, 2020

Raynham Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2020

Call to Order:

Mr. Fountain opened the meeting of September 3, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. and informed the meeting is being recorded.

Planning Board Members Present (4):

Mr. Burke Fountain, Vice Chair; Mr. Russell Driscoll, Clerk, Mr. Matthew Andrade, and

Mr. Christopher Gallagher (via remote participation)

Board members not present:  Mr. Daniel Andrade

Also Present:  Steven Ventresca, P.E., Nitsch Engineering

6:00 p.m. – Form A Plan – Wilbur Street:  Property is located between Laurel Lane and Wilbur Street and has a considerable amount of wetlands, and there is an existing home on one of the parcels.

It was noted that Mr. Ventresca did not review the plan.  Mr. Fountain had questions because the plan shows Parcel A and Parcel B with an existing home on one piece and a proposed dwelling on the other piece; therefore, are they parcels or lots, and are they buildable lots?

Mr. Gallagher stated he reviewed the plans, and, in his opinion, they look buildable.  He said this is a labelling issue with the surveyor.  Board members reviewed the plan and did not see any concerns except for a possible need for a frontage variance necessary due to the proposed 75-foot frontage.  It was noted the plan presented is for a lot line change.

Mr. Fountain suggested a note could be added stating that Parcel A is not to be considered a buildable lot without a variance or special permit.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to accept the Plan of Land of 175 Wilbur Street, Raynham, MA; prepared for Harry F. Papp, Trustee, prepared by Arthur F.

Borden & Associates, Inc., as a plan not requiring subdivision approval with the provision that a note be added that Parcel A is not to be considered a buildable lot without a variance or special permit.  Discussion: None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous)

6:10 p.m. – Form A – 512 South Street East / King-Riverview Meadows Limited Partnership:

The Plan states that the way shown is an endorsed subdivision plan known as Meadow Drive and was approved in 1988.

Richard Lesley, PLS, Bay Colony Group, Foxboro, MA, was present to represent applicant/ owner Douglas A. King, Easton, MA.

The original plan was completed by Earnest W. Branch in July 20, 1988, and basically it had Lot A and Lot B with subsequent plans showing Meadow Drive.  Presented to the Board is an ANR plan.  The lots on the northerly side of Meadow Drive, now B3 & B4, were shown as Lot B1 on the ANR plan that was created by the Bay Colony Group in April 2011.  In 2011, the original Parcel B was subdivided into Lot B1 and Lot B2.  Lot B2 was granted deed restrictions, 66 acres parcel.  The plan presented tonight is to subdivide Lot B1 to create two parcels, which will leave 512 South Street East with its own 5-acre parcel.  Lot B3 and Lot B4 would be for improvements proposed for Riverview Meadow, Phase 3.

A purpose statement is on the plan.

Mr. Gallagher suggested that a note be added stating that the plan reconfigures the locus parcel shown on the Town of Raynham Assessors’ Map 17, Parcel 88-6-1, into two lots, Lot B3 and Lot B4.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to accept the plan titled 512 South Street East and Meadow Drive, Raynham, MA, owner Douglas A. King, prepared by Bay Colony Group, Inc. dated August 28, 2020, as an Approval Not Required plan with the requirement that a note be added to the plan stating that the plan is to reconfigure the locus parcel shown on the Town of Raynham Accessor’s Map 17 as Parcel 86-1 into two lots, B3 and B4.  Discussion:  None.  Vote: 4-0 (Unanimous)

6:10 p.m. – Public Hearing – 675 Paramount Drive Site Plan

Mr. Fountain informed that correspondence was received requesting a continuance until September 17, 2020 and an extension of time for the Planning Board to act on such plan until October 31, 2020. 

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to continue the Public Hearing for 675 Paramount Drive Site Plan until September 17, 2020, 6:10 p.m.  Discussion:  None. 

Vote:  4-0 (Unanimous)

6:15 p.m. – Discussion on Planning Board Rules & Regulations:

Mr. Iafrate forwarded a list of items that he would like to discuss with Mr. Ventresca.  A meeting has been scheduled for next Thursday and the following Thursday.  Mr. Ventresca suggested that Board members forward to him items they would like changed, such as wet basins, and items that they think are out of date.

Mr. Gallagher noted that one update he feels is needed in the regulations is the request for AutoCAD files, as it should now be a PDF file.

General Business & Correspondence:

Invoices/Bills Payable:  Bills were submitted for approval and signed by the Board. It was noted that the Bassett Knoll project review account needs additional funds.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to request additional funds in the amount of $5,000 from the developer for Bassett Knoll project review invoicing.  Discussion: None. Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous)

Minutes of June 4, June 18, July 2, and July 16, 2020:  Mr. Gallagher explained that the minutes from June 4, June 18, and July 2, 2020, have statements in them pertaining to him, and most of the concerns were resolved as far as discipline and ethics.  Mr. Gallagher further explained that he feels there were a lot of items alluding to things being done without permits on a property he owns, which were false.  Mr. Gallagher had/has a building permit, which he presented to Mr. Iafrate along with other documents; every inspection was done properly and permitted properly.  Mr. Gallagher stated he would like to refute a lot of the statements, not specifically, just in general and inform that everything he did on his property was legitimate, by the book, and he has all the permits.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Fountain to waive the reading and approve the Planning Board Meeting Minutes for June 4, June 18, July 2, and July 16, 2020, as printed.  Discussion:  None   Vote:  3-0-1 (Mr. Gallagher abstained)


The Board received correspondence dated August 26, 2020, from the Board of Selectman regarding the acceptance of Christina’s Path.  Mr. Ventresca explained that he conducted a site visit with Highway Superintendent Edward Buckley along with the developer and paver contractor to review the area where the paving was flatter than should be.  A couple of resolutions were discussed: 1) they would infrared the pavement in front of the pedestrian ramp then re-roll so that it would have a pitch to continue down to the cul-de-sac to the double catch basin; 2) provide micro-grinding along the edge of the curb so that the water can flow from the driveway down into the double catch basin.  Mr. Buckley agreed to the changes.  Once the items are complete, in about one to two weeks, Mr. Ventresca was to be notified and would follow up with an inspection of the work.  Mr. Ventresca has not received confirmation of the work as discussed.  Mr. Ventresca recommended holding the matter until notification is received that the work has been done and the flow has been corrected.

Mr. Fountain informed that the Board received the letter dated August 26, 2020 from the Board of Selectmen requesting a recommendation to be forwarded to them on the acceptance of the road.  Due to the information supplied by Mr. Ventresca, Mr. Fountain recommended tabling discussion to the next Planning Board meeting of September 17, 2020.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to table discussion on the acceptance and recommendation on Christina’s Path to the Board of Selectmen until the next Planning Board Meeting of September 17, 2020.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous)

Planning Coordinator Update:  None as Mr. Iafrate is not present tonight.

SRPEDD Update:  Mr. Matthew Andrade explained that he attended the SRPEDD meeting held last night, and the meeting was basically informational.

Funds to be released:  Discussed previously under invoices/bills.

Plans to be released:  Form A – 512 South Street East (King)


MOTION: Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to adjourn from the Raynham Planning Board Meeting of September 3, 2020 at 6:40 p.m. with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous)

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Driscoll, Clerk