Planning Board

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Planning Board Meeting


November 5, 2020

Call to Order

Chairman Andrade opened the meeting of November 5, 2020, at 6:06 p.m. and informed the meeting is being recorded.

Planning Board members present:

Mr. Daniel Andrade-Chair: Mr. Burke Fountain-Vice Chair; Mr. Russell Driscoll-Clerk and

Mr. Matthew Andrade

Arrived late:  6:18 p.m. - Mr. Chris Gallagher (via GoToMeeting)

Also present: Mr. Robert Iafrate, Building Commissioner/Planning and Maureen McKenney, Administrative Assistant

6:08 p.m.  FORM A plan at 32 Laurel Lane:  The Board reviewed the proposed Form A plan.  A note on the plan states that Lot B-1 has insufficient frontage and is to be considered a non-buildable lot.  Mr. Iafrate informed that the note will allow the Board to approve the plan as a subdivision of land only, and the lot is a non-buildable unless a special permit or variance are granted in the future. 

MOTION: Moved by Mr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Fountain to approve the Form A Plan dated October 26, 2020, for 32 Laurel Lane, prepared for Harry F. Papp, Trustee, drawn by Arthur Borden & Associates, Professional Surveyors and Engineers, Raynham, MA, with a note listed on the Plan stating that Lot B-1 has insufficient frontage and is to be considered a non-buildable lot at this time until zoning relief such as a variance or special permit is granted for stated lot.  Discussion:  Because the Board discussed and possibly voted on a plan previously, Mr. Fountain asked if the previous vote should be rescinded.  The Board felt the present vote would supersede the previous vote.  Vote:  4-0-0.

Mr. Daniel Andrade requested the mylar being presented tonight for Form A plan at 32 Laurel Lane be signed and then the applicant is to return the previous Form A plan to the Board.

6:18 p.m.  Mr. Chris Gallagher joined the meeting.

Continued Public Hearing:  270 New State Highway, Special Permit for Drive-Through window.

Mr. Kyle MacDuff, DWM, Inc., was present via audio.  During the last meeting, the board requested a named tenant so that the traffic calculations could be completed.  Mr. MacDuff informed that the special permit plan will be used as a marketing tool and that presently they do not have a tenant for the space.  Mr. Fountain asked if the plaza has any limitation as to the tenant and questioned if they will allow a drive-thru.  Mr. MacDuff informed that the space would not be suitable for any type of fast food restaurant, but could be suitable to other businesses who may have the capability to pick up.  The Board discussed the queuing of the area.  It was agreed that unless the type of business that will be going into the space is known, the Board really cannot make a decision on the matter.  Daniel Andrade stated that he is not in favor of approving the plan without knowing the tenant.

Mr. MacDuff asked for a continuance.  Time-to-act is November 18, 2020.  The Board discussed an extension for the applicant.  Mr. Daniel Andrade suggested adding an agenda item to the Special Planning Board meeting on November 10, 2020, at 3:05p.m. to discuss or approve the extension if received.

6:35 p.m. Public Hearing – 1285 Broadway/Barrels and Boards restaurant site plan: 

Mr. Driscoll read the public hearing notice into the record.

Present were Mr. John DeSousa, CEO, Northcounty Group, and Mr. David Laghetto, applicant and owner of Barrels and Boards restaurant.  The plan proposes two (2) additions: twenty-five (25) seat function room and a liquor storage room with additional parking to be added to the rear property adjacent to existing parking.  Underground pipe storage system is proposed under the new parking area to treat and infiltrate stormwater. 

Mr. DeSousa informed that work was started on the conversion of the old Honeydew Donuts and a permit was received for the work.  The proposed construction continues for the liquor storage room.  The applicant was also granted, through the Board of Selectman, an area for outside dining.  Mr. Iafrate reviewed the parking calculations, which included the new dining area, and stated that parking will be sufficient.

Mr. Gallagher discussed the setback and parking area in the rear.  Mr. Iafrate informed that there is nothing in the zoning by-laws that would prohibit the additional use of a split zone property to be used for parking.  Buffer requirement is 50 feet from Residential Zone line.   Mr. Iafrate stated that he has no concerns with the parking because any passive use has been allowed when you have a split zone property, and this is all the same property.  The Board will need to decide if the buffering is adequate.  Parking in the rear is in a Residential Zone and the building is in Business Zone.  The buffer is between 10-11 feet off property line.  There will be a berm around the buffer zone including landscaping.  The applicant discussed the type of landscaping trees to be installed.

Mr. Gary O’Neil, 8 Sunflower Drive, was present via audio.  Mr. O’Neil asked if there will be any additional clearing of trees in the rear of the building that will affect Sunflower Drive.  The applicant informed that there will be no tree cutting.  Mr. Gallagher suggested fencing to help with the issue of headlights to the neighbors.  The applicant is open to adding fencing if necessary.  There is a section of chain-link fencing along a portion of the property.  Discussion on inserting slats on the chain-link fence with a six foot fence the remaining length on the North and East side of the building.  Daniel Andrade suggested a six-(6-) foot fence all the way around, rather than coordinating with neighbors to install slats in the chain-link fence.

Mr. Iafrate informed that according to the Board’s engineer, there is a need to install water quality inlets.  He also suggested the Board review the installation of possible bollards in front of the building where there will be parking. 

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to approve the site plan for Barrels and Board, 1285 Broadway, submitted by North Country Group, Inc., dated October 7, 2020, with added fencing as discussed; landscaping as presented; the installation of water quality inlets and no further trees to be cut.  Amended Motion:  Moved by Daniel Andrade and seconded by Burke Fountain to require the installation of fencing along the North, East and South side of the building. Vote: 5-0-0 

On the original motion to approve Site Plan for 1285 Broadway with amended motion.  Discussion:  None.  Vote: 5-0-0.

7:15 p.m.  Continued Public Hearing:  1766 – 1788 Broadway site plan.

Present was Mr. Bob Forbes, Zenith Consulting Engineers. Since the last meeting, the applicant has received the review comments from Nitsch Engineering, and Nitsch Engineering recommended the applicant discuss a couple of items with the Board.  The suggested outdoor gravel area has been increased and approximately four parking spaces have been removed.  After meeting with the Conservation Commission, their comments were to wait until the applicant was completed with the Planning Board review before any action be taken; Structural Engineer design for the proposed retaining wall; and a paved area rather than gravel area for storage.  The recommended paving is due to any possible leakage from vehicles stored in the area.  The drainage for the area was reviewed by Nitsch Engineering, which suggested an updated drainage report be submitted. 

Plans should be at either 20 scale or 40 scale, the presented design is at 30 scale; therefore, the applicant will be requesting a waiver.

Mr. Forbes discussed the required stamp by a Landscape Architect on the plans. The Board has been waiving this regulation, and seeing that the applicant is certified, the plans as printed will be accepted.   The landscape design has about 20 trees shown on site and about 60 shrubs.  The project is in the Industrial Zone, and due to how the project is situated, the Board suggested a waiver.

The Board discussed the need of bollards at every parking space that is adjacent to a walkway.  Mr. Forbes informed that there are bollards in the rear near the garage doors.  Daniel Andrade informed that bollards will be required at the parking spaces along the walkway  at the building.

Present was applicant Anthony Ferreira.  He discussed the design of the building.  The construction will be a single stand-alone building similar to the Ryan Iron Works building next door.  Daniel Andrade asked that building rendering plans be submitted at the next meeting.

The public hearing was continued to November 19, 2020, at 6:20 p.m.

General Business & Correspondence:

  • Bassett Knoll bond reduction:  Discussion moved to the next meeting.
  • Raynham Preserve East – Bond estimate:  Nitsch Engineering recommended a total bond estimate to be set at $375,835, which includes a 30% contingency.  MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to set the bond amount at $375,835 for Raynham Preserve East as recommended by Nitsch Engineering letter dated October 25, 2020.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0
  • Forge Estates (Bella Estates) – request for Bond Release:   Mr. Daniel Andrade recused himself from this discussion.  The requested release amount is $60,414.  Mr. Iafrate informed that the final as-built plans have not been received and there is loam necessary around some of the edges.  Mr. Gallagher informed that an as-built would be required.  The cost for an as-built plan could be upward of $10,000 to $15,000.  Attorney Robert Shelmerdine was present via audio representing the applicant.  He informed that the initial bond was paid on July 18, 2013, and included a few items, and at this time, they are requesting the release of funds.  MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Gallagher to continue to hold $20,000 and to release any amount above this amount.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-1 (Daniel Andrade abstained.)
  • Funds to be released – Ramson Woods subdivision:  The Board received a request to release project funds in the amount of $1,500.  MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Fountain to release funds in the amount of $1,500 for Ramson Woods subdivision to Mrs. Diana Mastria.  Discussion:  None.  Vote: 5-0-0. 
  • Sign release of Cornerstone Estates funds:   Mr. Chris Gallagher recused himself from this discussion.  Mr. Iafrate communicated with the developer and requested that monuments be placed with offsets where they couldn’t be placed on the property line, and as of yesterday, this was not done.  Mr. Iafrate recommended discussions be continued until the next meeting.  No action taken by the Board.
  • Invoices/Bills payable:  The Board signed all bills presented. 
  • Approval of Minutes – September 17, 2020 (amended); October 1, 2020 and October 15, 2020:  MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to waive the readings and accept the minutes of September 17, 2020, as amended; October 1, 2020, and October 15, 2020, as printed.  Discussion:  None.  Vote: 5-0-0.

Correspondence:  No correspondence received.

Planning Coordinator Update - Mr. Bob Iafrate:

  • Pre-submission meeting for Central Glass site plan was held recently, and the applicant will be coming before the Board at the next meeting.
  • Master Plan meeting was held last night.  The meeting was not well attended, but there will be another meeting on November 12, 2020, at 6:00 p.m.  SRPEDD has identified vacant lots within the Town a list was given to Mr. Iafrate.
  • The Local Preference Housing Request for Massachusetts Housing Partnership was done by Maureen McKenney.

SRPEDD Update - Mr. Matthew Andrade

  • A meeting was held last week with multiple towns in attendance.  Discussion was on many topics including the effects of Covid-19 and getting towns through it.

Plans to be signed:  No plans presented to the Board for signatures.


MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to adjourn from the Raynham Planning Board meeting of November 5, 2020, at 7:44 p.m. with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0

Respectfully submitted,

Daniel J. Andrade, Chairman

Upcoming Meetings:

November 4, 2020 – 3:00p.m.  – Rules and Regulations

November 10, 2020 – 3:00p.m.  – Rules and Regulations

November 19, 2020 – 6:15p.m.  – Central Glass Site Plan & Special Permit

December 3, 2020 – 6:00p.m.  -Planning Board Meeting