Planning Board

Meeting Minutes
Meeting date: 
Thursday, June 3, 2021

Meeting Minutes

June 3, 2021

Call to Order

Chairman Christopher Gallagher opened the meeting of May 6, 2021, at 6:00 p.m. and informed the meeting is being recorded.

The meeting was being streamed on

Planning Board Members Present: (5)

Mr. Christopher Gallagher, Chairman; Mr. Burke Fountain, Vice Chairman; Mr. Russell Driscoll, Clerk; Mr. Matthew Andrade; and, Mr. Brian Oldfield

Also present:  Mr. Robert Iafrate, Planning Board Coordinator

Mr. Gallagher announced that the Board has a new member, Mr. Brian Oldfield, who will be stepping in to fulfill the remainder of the term for Mr. Dan Andrade.

6:01 p.m.  Discussion re. Cardinal Circle

Mr. Aaron Strojny of Cardinal Circle appeared before the Board to discuss the condition of the driveways and sidewalks.  The Board received e-mail correspondence, dated June 3, 2021, from Edward Buckley, Raynham Highway Superintendent.  Also received was e-mail dated June 3, 2021, from Richard Andrukonis at D’Angelo’s, Inc., who has been at the site actively doing work. 

Initially, there were concerns expressed by the residents of Cardinal Circle regarding the sidewalks and driveways.  The issues were reviewed by Mr. Buckley, Mr. Iafrate and Steven Ventresca of Nitsch Engineering.  Previous correspondence from Mr. Ventresca had summarized what work needed to be done to rectify the problems with the sidewalks and driveways along Cardinal Circle.  The roadway has not yet been put forth to the Town for acceptance.

Mr. Richard Andrukonis, Project Manager for D’Angelo Inc., was present representing the developer.  He noted Partridge Lane is complete and all the work was done according to the plans.  Basins on both Partridge Lane and Cardinal Circle have been mowed as of today.  The sidewalk on Cardinal Circle is an issue and the contractor will be repairing both the sidewalks and road beginning June 14th. 

Mr. Gallagher informed that the developer will need to work with Mr. Iafrate, Mr. Buckley and Nitsch Engineering, especially for ADA compliance.  The Board is currently holding back one building lot until all work is complete.  The sidewalk for the subdivision should go all the way around as voted on previously by the Board.  During a conversation with Mr. Buckley, he suggested replacing all the sidewalk, but Mr. Andrukonis would like to communicate with him on the current design. 

Mr. Gallagher requested a flow chart be presented to the Board within a week on all work to be done on both Partridge Lane and Cardinal Circle.

Present via GoToMeeting was Mr. Aaron Strojny, 55 Cardinal Circle.  He questioned a conversation whereas the surety bond for the development could be pulled.  Mr. Gallagher stated that he spoke to Mr. Buckley, and if they took the time to pull the bond, the work may not be done until next year.  At the moment, the developer is moving in the right direction and the Board would like to see how far they can go this year to correct the issues.  The bond is an option if the developer does not follow through with what they have tentatively presented.  Mr. Gallagher assured Mr. Strojny that Mr. Buckley, Mr. Iafrate and Nitsch Engineering will be overseeing the project. 

Commercial Street/Richmond Street site plan:  Mr. Gallagher asked to go out of order on the agenda.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Fountain to take out of order agenda items and move up the discussion on Commercial Street/Richmond Street – Site Plan and Special Permit for Parking reduction.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0

6:25 p.m.  Continued Public Hearing - Commercial Street/Richmond Street - Site Plan and Special Permit for parking reduction

Mr. Gallagher informed that a letter was received from Nitsch Engineering recommending approval, subject to approval of waivers.

Mr. Iafrate suggested approving the plans, but the applicant still needs to outline his list of waivers and conditions.  Once the list of waivers is received, it can then be placed on the agenda for approval.

Present via GoToMeeting was Shane Oates, P.E., Center Mount Land Development.  Mr. Oates informed that a letter was received this evening from Nitsch Engineering with a few drainage questions that will need to be addressed.  Mr. Oates will supply for the next meeting a written letter outlining the site use.  Items that need to be discussed with Nitsch Engineering are the photometric plan for the proposed project; parking requirements along with the loading and unloading of heavy construction equipment at the site; drainage into infiltration basin to provide an overflow for the roof drains; as well as clarification on dimensions and elevations.   No bollards are proposed as there will be no parking facing the building.  The building is a garage with garage doors. 

Mr. Fountain suggested a condition which states that the site will not be accessible to the public; no parking of unregistered vehicles; and, no overnight parking.  Mr. Iafrate recommended adding a condition that there be no parking of large equipment on site. 

The Board requested a black and white locus map be submitted for the next meeting.

Mr. Gallagher recommended continuing the Public Hearing for Commercial Street/Richmond Street-Site Plan and Special Permit for Parking Reduction until June 17, 2021, at 6:05 p.m.

6:40 p.m.  Continued Public Hearing - Carlton North Subdivision (Time-to-Act is July 13, 2021)

The proposed subdivision plan is for three lots off Raymond Ave./Carlton Street with one lot being a frontage lot and two lots to be served by a common driveway.  Original plans proposed a roadway, which the Board thought was invasive.  After going over the plans, the proposed plan for a private subdivision was determined to be the best design. 

Mr. Gallagher suggested approving the plan with the waivers as presented.  Letters were received from the Sewer Department and Fire Department; their concerns will need to be dealt with by the developer.

It was noted a homeowners’ agreement should be created by the developer, not the Board.

Mr. Iafrate suggested the Board approve the plan with a condition on the shared driveway for gravel fill for drainage not to impact Carlton Street.  Upon reviewing the plans, Mr. Gallagher noted that the drainage is toward the rear of the lots.  Mr. Iafrate agreed with the drainage in the rear of the lots, but the driveway could be another issue for drainage.  It was agreed that a condition should read that any proposed driveway should have no negative impact for drainage on Carlton Street.

Present via GoToMeeting was Larry Silva, P.E., Silva Associates.  Mr. Silva informed that all requested waivers are listed on his letter of May 19, 2021.  Mr. Gallagher requested the waivers be added to the plans, including a condition for no negative drainage impact to Carlton Street as suggested by Mr. Iafrate. 

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to approve the waivers as requested and shown on the cover sheet of the Definitive Plan Subdivision Carlton North.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to approve the Plan for the Definitive Plan Subdivision Carlton North, Assessors Map 17, Lot 62, 73 Raymond Avenue, Raynham, MA, dated February 23, 2021, revised May 19, 2021.  No discussion. Vote: 5-0-0.

Mr. Gallagher asked for an amendment to the motion to include the condition recommended by Mr. Iafrate.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to amend the motion to approve the Plans for the Definitive Plan Subdivision Carlton North, Assessors Map 17, Lot 62, 73 Raymond Avenue, Raynham, MA, dated February 23, 2021, revised May 19, 2021, and include a condition for no drainage from the proposed driveway to have an adverse effect onto existing Carlton Street.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0.

6:50 p.m.  Continued Public Hearing - Wildwood Path Open Space Subdivision

Present via GoToMeeting was Eric Dias, P.E., Strongpoint Engineering.  He informed that a meeting was held to discuss access through an easement across the Hardee’s property at 22 Everett Street.  The easement would allow the applicant to run water and sewer to service the project.  A formal agreement will be submitted to the Board along with updated plans by early next week.

Mr. Gallagher asked for a motion to continue until June 17, 2021.  He also informed that the meeting could be cancelled, and the next Planning Board meeting would be held in July.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to continue the Public Hearing for Wildwood Path Open Space Subdivision to June 17, 2021, at 6:15 p.m.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0.

Mr. Iafrate suggested a list of waivers be compiled prior to the scheduled meeting.

6:55 p.m. Public Hearing:  Quail Hollow, LLC/Estate lots on Pine Street

Mr. Driscoll read the notice of the Public Hearing.

Mr. Gallagher informed that the proposed is a parcel on Pine Street just before the Bridgewater line.  The proposed project is Form A and a Special Permit is being requested for retreat/estate lots.  Retreat lots require a minimum of 50 feet of frontage with 80,000 sq. ft. in area.  Both of the proposed lots comply with all the requirements for retreat lots. 

The proposed project is in light industrial zone.  Mr. Fountain asked if there can be retreat lots in this zone.  Mr. Iafrate explained that because of the lack of water and sewer to the property, the applicant had to formulate lots to a larger size.  Also, the applicant was granted a variance from the Zoning Board of Appeals for the lack of water and sewer to the estate lots. 

The intention for a retreat lot is to have 100-foot setback and a standard 50 feet of setback.  Therefore, the intention was to have separation from the abutting lots in front.  Therefore, the building square should be pushed back to the 45-foot set-back.

Mr. Gallagher suggested a condition for the minimum 45-foot set-back from the rear of the properties as shown on Parcel 10-12-4 and Parcel 10-12-5.

Mr. Gallagher recommended approving with a condition that no dwelling unit be constructed within 45 feet of Parcel 10-12-4 and Parcel 10-12-5 as shown on the plan.

Mr. Jay Gormley, Quail Hollow, LLC, was present.  He presented no additional information to the Board.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to approve the Special Permit as requested by the applicant subjected to the set-back of 45 feet from the rear of Parcel 10-12-4 (395 Pine Street) and Parcel 10-12-5 (375 Pine Street).  Discussion:  Mr. Driscoll requested the building block to be within the side setback lines.  Vote:  5-0-0.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to approve the plan entitled Estate Lot Special Permit Plan, Parcel 10-12-A, Pine Street, Raynham MA, prepared for Quail Hollow, LLC, Bridgewater, MA, and prepared by Zenith Consulting Engineers, LLC, Lakeville, MA, plan dated January 25, 2020.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0

General Business & Correspondence: 

Correspondence:  Letter from Paul Cabrinha re. 436 Locust Street - The Board received a copy of a letter dated March 23, 2021, from Mr. Iafrate to Mr. Cabrinha. 

Invoices /bills payable: The Board reviewed and signed invoices and bills presented.

Minutes:  May 6, 2021:  MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to waive the reading and approve the minutes of the Raynham Planning Board meeting of May 6, 2021, as printed.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0.

Summer Schedule:  Mr. Gallagher proposed meeting once a month during the month of July and August and proposed one meeting per month thereafter beginning in September.  He also suggested cancelling the Planning Board meeting on June 17, 2021.  Members discussed the need of scheduling two meetings, especially for items such as Form A plan. 

Summer meeting dates will be: Thursday, July 1; Thursday, August 5; and Thursday, September 2, with the June 17, 2021, scheduled meeting cancelled.  Members concurred on the summer schedule and will continue discussion in the fall on potentially going to meeting once a month. 

Old Business/New Business

Mr. Iafrate informed that 1729 Broadway multi-unit commercial building was substantially completed.  Mr. Ventresca forwarded a bond calculation for a temporary Certificate of Occupancy in the amount of $50,000.  Since receiving the bond calculation, items have been completed; therefore, Mr. Iafrate recommended reducing the bond amount to $40,000.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Driscoll and seconded by Mr. Fountain to approve a bond in the amount of $40,000 for 1729 Broadway.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0

Planning Coordinator update

  • Mr. Iafrate discussed that the site at 1000 Rt. 44 was permitted as a small industrial park several years ago.  Last fall, it was approved as a parking facility for Amazon for a period of three-months.  The parcel has since been sold to a firm in New York whose intentions are to use it as a parking facility for Amazon vehicles. 
  • Mr. Iafrate noted he has received phone calls from neighbors on Judson Street with concerns.  He advised them that the new owners will be creating a site plan for approval.  Mr. Iafrate has also informed the new owners that the site is not grandfathered for its use, and the permitted use has expired.
  • Mr. Iafrate informed that Mr. Ventresca is finalizing all changes made to the Rules and Regulations during the past several months.  Once received, Mr. Iafrate will forward a copy to the Board for review.


  • Mr. Matthew Andrade informed that two workshops are scheduled for next week to further discuss the Master Plan.

Plans to be signed:  No plans submitted to the Board for endorsement.


MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Oldfield and seconded by Mr. Matthew Andrade to adjourn from the Raynham Planning Board Meeting of June 3, 2021, at 7:28 p.m. with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  5-0-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Driscoll, Clerk 

Upcoming Meetings:July 1, 2021 – 6:00 p.m. -Planning Board Meeting