Planning Board

Meeting minutes
Meeting date: 
Thursday, November 7, 2019

Raynham Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Board members present: Mr. Daniel Andrade, Mr. Burke Fountain, Mr. Russell Driscoll and Mr. John Teixeira

Absent:  Mr. Christopher Gallagher

Also present: Mr. Robert Iafrate, Building Commissioner/Planning, Mr. Steven Ventresca, Nitsch Engineering and Ms. Maureen McKenney, Administration Assistant

Mr. Andrade opened the meeting at 6:00 p.m. and informed the meeting is being audio and video recorded.

6:00 p.m.  Public hearing - Amendments to Subdivision Rules & Regulations

Mr. Fountain read the Public Hearing Notice.

Subdivision Rules & Regulations last revised date, April 17, 2014.  Amendments are proposed for Section 8 - Design Standards, specifically Section 8.1- Stormwater Management, and adding new Section 8.4.1 - Constructed Stormwater Wetlands (CSW)

Present was Mr. Ventresca, Nitsch Engineering.  Memorandum dated October 18, 2019 (revised) was received from Mr. Ventresca.  There was discussion on the amendments.  Section 8.4.1, CSW, to be used in areas where there is high ground water and poorly infiltrating soils.  A positive addition to the regulations will allow for construction in the wetlands in a regulated controlled manner that would allow for the wetlands system to become its own bio-habitat.

Correspondence dated November 5, 2019, was received from Matthew Tanis, Health Agent, on behalf of the Board of Health.  In his correspondence, Mr. Tanis commented on higher maintenance requirements for wet basins; vegetation management; vegetative buffers around the perimeter of the basin; fencing around the basin. Recommendation was to put in place vegetation management that would allow or create a perimeter around the basin, which would help with shoreline.

There was also a suggestion to increase the current maintenance fee, which is $500, since the town will need to do maintenance on the basins.  Mr. Andrade suggested scheduling another meeting to discuss fees.

Mr. Ventresca suggested amending the presented Regulation as follows: “L” – Water Balance Equation.  This may not be necessary given the regional area of MA and whereas “O” does request that the water levels are observed during construction.

Present was Mr. Evan Watson, citizen of Raynham and employee of Prime Engineering.  He feels that a lot of projects should have been asking for a waiver from the by-law to achieve what is being presented in the amended regulations.  It is a very welcoming item for residents and developers in town. 

Mr. Andrade informed that he asked both Mr. Ventresca and Mr. Watson for their input and they have not been influenced by anyone in Town.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Fountain to approve the Wetland By-Law dated October 18, 2019, excluding “L.”   Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous vote).

6:05 p.m.  Ed Brennan - Bond for Carlton Street plan:

Present was Mr. Edward Brennan, Attorney at Law.  The proposed project is for an extension of Carlton Street which is approximately 380 feet and whereas the applicant was able to get frontage for three lots.  Previously, the Board allowed the applicant to obtain occupancy permits on two of the lots provided that he creates a homeowner’s trust and to take care of the road. The road is complete except for the top coat. Attorney Brennan has been in front of the Board previously to discuss the connection of Carlton Street to the new subdivision on the end of Sandy Hill.  Because of the connection to Sandy Hill, the applicant is requesting the Board substitute their request to hold the third occupancy permit pending road completion with a commercial bond for the completion of the work in the amount of $13,650.  The road will remain a private road with the homeowners’ association.  Mr. Iafrate suggested one lot to be held when Sandy Hill subdivision comes before the Board.  The applicant asked to have Lot 3.

The Board discussed accepting a commercial bond in the amount of $30,000 and $10,000 Surety Bond for miscellaneous items.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Fountain to amend the memo dated September 1, 2016, for Lot 3 in exchange for a surety bond in the amount of $40,000.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous vote)

Site plan at 217 Broadway – Matter tabled to another meeting.

6:10 p.m.  Lot releases at Cornerstone Estates:  Present was Mr. Shawn Cairns, Shamrock Realty.  The Board is currently holding one lot for the completion of the project.  Mr. Cairns stated that he would like to put up a cash bond for the release of the lot.  Mr. Iafrate informed that the only items remaining is the top coat for the road and minor landscaping.  The road is approximately 600 feet in length and the applicant received an estimate in the amount $15,000 to complete.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Fountain to approve a cash bond in the amount of $30,000 or a surety bond in the amount of $50,000.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous vote)

6:15 p.m.  Public hearing:  Raynham Preserve East open-space subdivision plan    

Project review letter dated November 7, 2019, was received from Nitsch Engineering and a waiver request was presented on October 3, 2019.  Mr. Ventresca recommended the following: detail needed for the sign, hydrant spacing, and landscaping plans need to be submitted.

Mr. Evan Watson, Prime Engineering, was present and feels that having a setback from the property line would make more sense.   Mr. Andrade stated that the special permit will need a statement for the spacing between homes.

Mr. Lee Castignetti, Long Built Homes, was present for the applicant.  He informed the Board that they could not change the setback legally because of the zoning by-law.  The issue of separation between houses relates more to the elevation between the houses.  The plan depicts houses at various distances.

During construction Mr. Watson had suggested the applicant come back to discuss with the Building Department if the elevation changes from the stated 3:1 side slope and/or greater than the 10% driveway slope.

Mr. Iafrate recommended the applicant draft conditions along with a cover letter for review by the Planning Board at the next meeting.

Mr. Watson reviewed three items on Nitsch Engineering review letter: fill amount to be used, outlet structure requirement of slotted overflow T-ware, and catch basins to be greater than 300 feet apart. 

Mr. Castignetti questioned the item listed in the review letter regarding phasing.  The applicant would like to request a waiver on the Special Permit to be allowed to build based on what the market dictates. 

There was discussion about the tree line and proposed street tree locations.  Mr. Castignetti suggested a permanent easement for trees especially for projects going forward.  Currently, Mr. Castignetti is having issues planting trees on existing properties.  If the Board moves forward with an easement, Mr. Ventresca recommended the Board discuss the easement width.  Mr. Castignetti suggested a 10-foot wide easement for plantings

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Teixeira to continue the Public Hearing for Raynham Preserve East open-space subdivision plan until November 21, 2019, at 6:15 p.m.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous Vote)

Discussion:  Trees at Raynham Preserve/Bassett Knoll Estates

Letter dated November 6, 2019, was received from Lee Castignetti, Jr., In-House Counsel and Director of Land Acquisition and Development for Long Built Homes, requesting a waiver for the shade trees to be planted at the former Bassett Knoll Estates subdivision.  He would like to plant ornamental trees (Cleveland Pear trees, Hawthorn trees, Japanese Snowbell trees, Ivory Silk Lilac trees and Blossoming Cherry trees).  Mr. Castignetti informed that he discussed with Raynham’s Tree Warden the types of trees to be planted.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Teixeira to accept the tree list as submitted.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous Vote)

Mr. Castignetti informed there are a few homeowners who are adamant about not having trees planted on their property. He asked for the Board’s approval to not plant trees on these properties.

Mr. Andrade stated he is not inclined to approve the request tonight.  He would like a list of homeowners who are not allowing the plantings.  Mr. Iafrate suggested that if the applicant is not able to plant where needed, a tree can be planted elsewhere in the development to meet the number of required plantings.  The Board tabled further discussion on tree plantings.

6:30 p.m.  Public hearing:  Cumberland Farms/883 Broadway site plan

An email was received on November 5, 2019, from Cumberland Farms requesting a continuance as they are addressing concerns expressed by the Raynham Highway Superintendent.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Teixeira to continue the Public Hearing for Cumberland Farms/883 Broadway site plan until November 21, 2019, at 6:30 p.m.   Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous Vote). Time to act is December 1, 2019.

General Business & Correspondence

  • Invoices/bills payable - All invoices/bills reviewed and signed by members of the Planning Board.
  • Approval of Minutes: October 17, 2019
  • MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to approve the Raynham Planning Board Meeting Minutes of October 17, 2019, as printed.  Discussion:  None.  Vote 3-0-1 (Mr. Andrade abstained)
  • Release of funds for George Estates/Nina’s Way - The Board reviewed and concurred with the release of funds for George Estates/Nina Way.
  • Correspondence - No additional correspondence received.

Planning Coordinator update:

  • Mr. Iafrate informed of modifications to the site plan for 5 Commerce Way.  Applicant, Mr. Patel, was present.  An as-built plan was presented by the applicant and Nitsch Engineering submitted a Memorandum dated November 7, 2019, regarding site visit done by Steve Ventresca.  Mr. Ventresca met on October 31, 2019, with the applicant and reviewed the as-built plans against the approved plans.  There are four areas modified:  proposal of a shed for maintenance equipment, located in the back of the site; building finished floor is one foot lower which makes the sidewalk in the rear of the site higher than the building; elevation drop in the back of the building; eliminate bollards at entrance.  The applicant requested the wood guardrail along the entrance driveway to not be installed.  Mr. Ventresca informed the Board that there is a section of the driveway where it drops off, he suggested the guardrail remain. 


  • Mr. Iafrate recommended approving a minor modification for the final as-built plan.  Mr. Fountain expressed concerns with the drainage especially with the foundation being lower.  Mr. Ventresca reviewed the elevation and calculations submitted with the plans.

SRPEDD update:

  • Mr. Teixeira informed that he did not attend the last SRPEDD meeting.

Plans to be signed:  Members of the Planning Board signed the presented plans.


MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Teixeira to adjourn from the Raynham Planning Board Meeting of November 7, 2019, with no new business to be discussed.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  4-0-0 (Unanimous Vote)

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Driscoll, Clerk

Next Scheduled Raynham Planning Board Meeting:

November 21,  2019, @ 6:00 p.m.