Planning Board meeting

Meeting minutes
Meeting date: 
Thursday, October 3, 2019

Raynham Planning Board

Meeting Minutes

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Board members present:  Mr. Daniel Andrade, Mr. Burke Fountain, Mr. Russell Driscoll and Mr. John Teixeira

Board members absent:  Mr. Christopher Gallagher

Also present:  Mr. Robert Iafrate, Building Commissioner/Planning Coordinator; Mr. Steven Ventresca, Nitsch Engineering; and, Ms. Maureen McKenney, Administrative Assistant

6:00 p.m. – Mr. Andrade opened the meeting and informed it is being audio- and video recorded.

6:00 p.m. – Form A Plan – 46 Mill Street:  Mr. Iafrate informed that the application has not been received.  This is a parcel that the Town is buying for drainage.  No action taken.

6:05 p.m. – Form A Plan – Lot 2 King Street (11-86):  Mr. Andrade informed that he will be abstaining from the vote.

Ryan Prophett, Attorney, Raynham, MA, appeared on behalf of the applicant and explained the plan:  a portion of 88 Orchard Street property, which is located at the corner of Orchard Street and King Street, has been divided and is now referred to as Lot 2 King Street.  The parcel has the required frontage on King Street (160 feet) and is in compliance with zoning by-laws.  The parcel is somewhat undersized, around 32,000 square feet.  The applicant received a variance from the Raynham Zoning Board of Appeals (ZBA) for the lot size.  Applicant is now before the Planning Board for Form A approval. There are no wetlands on the lot.  The plan in front of the Board now is the same plan presented to ZBA; however, the variance is not referenced on the plan.  Plan is titled Plan of Land, 88 Orchard Street in Raynham MA, prepared by Outback Engineering, dated July 12, 2019.

Mr. Fountain read from the variance that was granted by the ZBA.  The variance from Sec. 5.1, Minimum Requirements, allowed the 88 Orchard Street property to be divided into two lots.

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Teixeira to approve Plan of Land, 88 Orchard Street, Raynham MA, Outback Engineering, dated July 12, 2019, as Plan Not Requiring Subdivision Approval.  Discussion:  None.  Vote:  3-0-1 (Mr. Andrade abstained)

Discussion:  Wet basins (Constructed Stormwater Wetlands)

Mr. Andrade discussed the draft regulation for wet basins.  He explained that the wet basins are detention areas that basically hold water ten (10) months out of the year and will filter and clean runoff water from impervious surfaces before going into the Conservation area.

Section 8.4.1 (d) – states: at least four (4) test pits viewed by licensed soil evaluator.  Mr. Andrade recommended the following language instead, at least two (2) test pits observed by licensed soil evaluator to determine the water table and estimate seasonal high ground water with additional test pits may be required by the licensed soil evaluator.  

Mr. Ventresca discussed that when he was drafting the regulation, he assumed the applicant would have their soil evaluator perform the test pits, and the Board could request additional testing if they had questions.   Mr. Andrade discussed that he doesn’t like requiring the set number of four test pits because digging four test pits on a small parcel of land could ruin the land.

Section 8.4.1 (m) – states the applicant shall provide an interim as-built of the basin at fifty percent completion for review.  The applicant will provide rough grades and the interior sides in any pipe inverts.

Section 8.4.1 (n) – states the wetland scientist and landscape architect shall provide construction oversight and provide field reports to the Board at 25%, 50%, and 75% completed with a final report upon completion indicating the design meets the intent.

The percentages are concerning because if a contractor is working in the area, he will need to wait for an inspection. Mr. Andrade does not want any delay in the installation especially when contractors are working in the water table. 

The draft regulation does not contain dewatering regulations.  Mr. Ventresca did not include dewatering in the regulations, because it is up to the contractor.  Mr. Andrade suggested inserting a paragraph stating that any dewatering efforts being taken to complete the project needs to meet the regulations. 

Section 8.4.1 (o) – states applicant shall provide yearly reports by landscape architect and/or wetland scientist.  Mr. Andrade suggested removing up to two years after completion. And inserting applicant shall provide yearly reports by landscape architect and/or wetland scientist to the Board indicating that the CSW has established vegetation habitats, bats, birds, pollinators.  Stormwater control and water levels are maintained for at least ten (10) months per year.  The report shall indicate any sediment, accumulation in the fore bay or main cells.  The applicant shall be responsible for all reports on a yearly basis and sediment removal until the development is accepted by the Town of Raynham. 

The Stormwater Handbook is referenced in the draft regulation; Mr. Fountain suggested adding the following: The applicant shall use the Construction Stormwater Handbook, current edition (date).

Mr. Ventresca will continue to work on revising the regulations and on other areas especially for small items where the Board is seeing requests for waivers.

Cumberland Farms, 883 Broadway, Site Plan – Continued Public Hearing:  Mr. Fountain informed that the applicant has requested a continuance of the Public Hearing until October 17, 2019.  The applicant continues to work on traffic impact studies, peer reviews and engineering.

Time-to-act on the site plan is December 1, 2019

MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to continue the Public Hearing for Cumberland Farms, 883 Broadway, Site Plan until October 17, 2019 at 6:15pm.  Discussion:  None. Vote: 3-0-1  (Mr. Andrade abstained)   No testimony taken.

Raynham Preserve Open Space Subdivision – Continued Public Hearing:  Present were Evan Watson, P.E., Prime Engineering, and Mr. Lee Castignetti, Long Built Homes.

Since the receipt of the review letter in April, applicant has redesigned the plan and incorporated the new sewer location.  The waiver list has been reduced as much as possible and with the Board’s proposal of new regulations, they will be able to comply with almost all.   An approval was received from the Raynham Conservation Commission on the new sewer installation. 

A copy of the updated waiver list was presented to the Board.  The plan proposes wet basins, 26 lots instead of 28, and the road has been lowered as well as the grading for all lots.  The street scape has been opened for additional room between houses while incorporating items discussed in the past.  The definitive plan and drainage calculations have not been presented yet.  Before submitting the definitive plan, applicant would like to make sure the basin and the layout of the road (40 feet) is acceptable.

Mr. Andrade discussed the location of the trees in Bassett Knoll and how they are planted in the middle of the yards with a 50-foot layout.  Applicant is proposing vertical granite sidewalks on one side and a Cape Cod berm on the other side. Because of the layout, 20 feet off the pavement does not give much room to plant street trees.  Mr. Andrade discussed the location of the street trees for the development and the update of the regulations.

The layout for a cluster development and adult retirement development are the same.  The proposed development will eventually be turned over to the Town and if the plan is accepted as presented, the trees will be 10 feet from each house.  Cluster development/smaller developments may only need one tree in each yard.  Developers may need to request a waiver.

Mr. Castignetti informed that street trees are listed as shade trees, and they will eventually become large trees.  The Tree Warden has suggested planting lilacs, dogwood or pear trees.  The Town’s regulation states every 40 feet for shade trees, which may be impossible to achieve.  He suggested trees be planted based on a ratio of the road’s length.

At the beginning of the cul-de-sac, Mr. Andrade suggested moving the houses on the corner back.

Mr. Watson informed that because Bayberry Road is narrow, he is holding the side of the road along the curve, one-foot Cape Cod berm and then three feet to right-of-way.  On the other side, there will be granite curbing, five feet grass strip, five feet sidewalk with three and a half feet remaining. 

The Town’s water department has reviewed the plan and they had no issue with the design of a loop for the water line. 

Mr. Watson suggested the Board consider revising the cross slope for sidewalks when they revise their regulations.  The proposed sidewalk is on the low side of the street;  applicant is requesting a waiver for ¼” per foot (approx. 2%), whereas ADA states no more than a 2% cross slope.  Mr. Watson informed that there will be no cover sheet with the definitive plan.

Mr. Iafrate informed that the owner of the property at the end of Paddock Road would like confirmation on boundaries. This location is where the sewer line is being installed along the property line.  Mr. Watson informed that the survey crew staked out the limit of clearing and will be back there on Monday to stake the location of the manhole.  He will ask them to review the boundaries.

Mr. Andrade reminded about Mr. Caron, 134 Paddock Road, who was present at the last meeting and expressed concerns with debris in his yard along with damage to his driveway.  Mr. Andrade discussed that he reviewed the Town’s records and Mr. Caron’s driveway is on Town property.

Mr. Watson informed that the Definitive was filed with the plans.  Updated plans will reflect the reduction in lots and the new 40-foot road layout.  He asked to have the plans sent out as all the designs have been reviewed.   Drainage calculations will be forwarded to Mr. Ventresca.

Mr. Watson requested a continuance until the next Planning Board meeting of October 17, 2019.

It was agreed to continue the Public Hearing for Raynham Preserve Open Space Subdivision to October 17, 2019, at 6:05 p.m. 

General Business & Correspondence

  • No invoices/bills received since the last Planning Board meeting.
  • Approval of Raynham Planning Board Meeting Minutes:  Mr. Fountain moved to waive the reading and approve the minutes of September 19, 2019.
  • MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Fountain and seconded by Mr. Teixeira to approve the Raynham Planning Board Meeting Minutes of September 19, 2019, as presented.  Discussion:  None.  Unanimous Vote (4-0).
  • No correspondence received.

Planning Coordinator Update

  • Mr. Iafrate discussed the site plan that he previously presented for a plan for Mastria, 1255 New State Highway/Rt. 44, which was a proposal for additional parking, reconfiguration around the building and basin construction.  The Board discussed the plan at that time and determined it required an Abbreviated Site Plan process.  Mastria now would like the Board to revisit the determination and consider the proposal a minor modification.  The Board is in receipt of the drainage calculations for the basin work and the Conservation Commission Agent has reviewed the proposed project.   Mr. Andrade did not have an issue with the request for minor modification. MOTION:  Moved by Mr. Andrade and seconded by Mr. Fountain to allow a Minor Modification at Map 15, Lot 176, 1255 New State Highway for Mastria Subaru to allow two additions to the current building and to expand the storage parking lot.  Discussion:  None.  Unanimous Vote (4-0-0)
  • Christina’s Path:  the seal coating was done on September 25th, raised structures on October 2nd and final top coat completed today.  Once the final as-built plan is submitted and inspection done by Mr. Ventresca, the road can be put forth at the next Town Meeting for road acceptance. 
  • Cornerstone Estates:  Mr. Iafrate received plans from Frank Gallagher, P.E., for Cornerstone Estates.  The plans are exactly the same, no changes, except for the additional information that is being required by Land Court.  A mylar was submitted with a with a request for the Board’s signature on it.  Land Court would not allow Mr. Gallagher to file because it did not have enough information regarding survey work.  Mr. Fountain requested that Mr. Gallagher certify, with signature and seal, that the mylar is the exact same plan as the Board previously signed except for the additional information needed for Land Court.  The mylar was signed and held by the Board.
  • Mr. Turner, Turner Brothers Construction, contacted Mr. Iafrate regarding a parcel of land on Forge River Parkway that is outside the roadway layout.  The roadway was never fully constructed because a crossing with a bridge was to be built but apparently the bridge was never built.  The Town has since taken over the land.  Mr. Andrade discussed that he would like toreview minutes from the hearings regarding this parcel before any decision on the lot is made.  The plan presented to Mr. Iafrate is for a proposed single-family dwelling with no frontage.  Mr. Iafrate has informed Mr. Turner that a building permit cannot be issued because there is no frontage.  No action to be taken until there is a resolution with either the Planning Board or Highway Superintendent.


  • Mr. Teixeira presented literature to Board members regarding Massachusetts Act H3507, which promotes housing choices.
  • SRPEDD will forward to the new Town Administration information regarding a new grant program.

Mr. Iafrate informed that the Government Study Committee will be looking at additional zoning for elderly housing.  It was brought to the Town’s attention that Raynham is lacking elderly housing.  There was discussion about creating an overlay district that would give incentives to builders or the Town for adding additional elderly housing.  Mr. Andrade informed that the Master Plan has these items listed within.  There is also an information package available for housing that should be updated with the Master Plan.

Adjournment:  MOTION made by Mr. Teixeira and seconded by Mr. Driscoll to adjourn from the Raynham Planning Board Meeting of October 3, 2019, at 7:44pm.   Unanimous vote (4-0-0)

Respectfully submitted,

Russell Driscoll, Clerk

Next Scheduled Raynham Planning Board Meeting:

October 17, 2019 @ 6:00pm