Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/03/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Board of Selectmen                                                                                                               December 3, 2019

Chairman Joseph Pacheco called the open meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room at Veterans’ Memorial Town Hall, 558 South Main Street. In addition to Chairman Pacheco, Selectmen Patricia Riley and Marie Smith were in attendance. 


Ms. Riley led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr. Pacheco informed everyone that the meeting is being recorded live by RayCAM. 


Acceptance of the Minutes


Ms. Riley made a motion to approve the minutes of the meeting held on November 26, 2019, as printed. Mrs. Smith seconded and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Department Heads & Committees


Police Chief Jim Donovan was present to give his monthly report.  He said that during the month of November, there were 1,465 incidents, 211 were reported via 911, 60 people were booked, and there was one nonfatal overdose. On Nov. 5th, detectives arrested a motorcycle gang president who was in violation of Federal Probation. Chief Donovan noted that there has been an uptick in violence involving motorcycle gangs.  On Nov. 14th, Officer Patrick Leahy stopped a vehicle and, upon investigation, he arrested the operator of the motor vehicle, who was impaired by drugs, and his passenger, who was in possession of a fully-loaded firearm. On Nov. 23rd, there was a significant motor vehicle crash which involved operating under the influence and texting.  Raynham Police and Firefighters held an event at Walmart on Rt. 138 to receive donated toys to be handed out through the Secret Santa giving program. This Saturday, they will be at Walmart on Paramount Drive to accept donations of toys.  This program works in cooperation with the school system and parents’ groups to identify families in town who are in need.




A request for appointment for Constable was received from Matthew Pauliks of 83 Pickens Street, Lakeville for a term of one (1) year.  Mrs. Smith made a motion to appoint, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Public Hearing – Tax Classification Hearing

Mr. Michael Lalli, Chairman of the Board of Assessors, was present to give his report.  He explained that the purpose of the hearing is to set the tax rate. Presenting informational booklets to the Selectmen, he explained that Page One explains the levy limit. He further stated, “To start off, we build from the 2019 levy limit of $33,717,292, the maximum allowable levy for this year and then we make some adjustments to that.  Last year, we had a slight adjustment for our growth, a reduction of $3,695.  Then we have the 2 ½%--increase to the levy and this is prescribed by law.  I’d like to say at this point that we still get taxpayers who come in and question their tax liability.  They think it should be going up only 2 ½%. We try to explain to them that the levy limit applies to the total tax liability to the town. We are allowed to increase from the previous year, 2 ½% on the entire levy.  Individual homes may find their taxes will go up and some will go down. That has more to do with the valuation of their house.  The strict 2 ½% is on the entire town tax levy.  This year in new growth we picked up $606,902 in new tax revenue and we picked up about $30m in new growth.  About $25m of that was from residential properties such as new homes and additions.  This year Raynham is seeing an increase and last year we had an increase, so it has been a steady upward trend.  With the summation of those, you come to $35,163,339 and that becomes our levy limit. To that, we can add the debt exclusion which was $2,947,000. The sum of those two is our maximum allowable levy and that is $38,110,659.  We consistently raise less than we are allowed and this year the estimated levy is $37,385,103, so we will be raising less than we are allowed.  This is something that Raynham has been doing consistently over the years, not going to the maximum amount that we are allowed, for fiscal responsibility.  On Pages 2 and 3, there’s a recap of what we just discussed.  The valuation of Raynham is now $2,378,462,000. If we were to have a flat tax rate with what we plan on for the estimated growth, you would be looking at a flat tax of $15.72.  If we continue with a 1.26% shift of the residential to commercial, industrial, and personal property, we will have a residential rate of $14.41 and a commercial, industrial and personal property rate of $19.80.  The debt exclusion this year is $2,947,000 and that has an effect on the tax rate.  The town’s average assessed single-family home is $401,600 and that is up from the previous year of $391,600. The average tax bill for that single-family home with the single rate is $6,313. The actual tax bill with a 1.26% shift will be $5,787. On Page 5, it discusses the residential factor that gets applied to the tax rate.  Residential and Open Space represent 75.7% of the town’s valuation.  Commercial, industrial and personal property is 24.3%.  The next several pages have the classification reports of the North Raynham and Center Water Districts and the Commissioners are here. They will be setting and approving their tax rate.  This year the North Raynham Water District is $1.70 per thousand, and the Center is $0.71.  Pages 6, 7, and 8 discuss the two Water Districts.  On Page 9, it shows the growth rates and tax rates and a history of the tax rate shift and that goes back to 1990.  If you use the same 1.26% shift as the previous year, we’re looking at residential at $14.41 and commercial at $19.80, which is a difference of $5.39.  Again, the average single-family home is $401,600 and the average tax bill is $5,747. We are looking at a 3.9% increase in the average tax bill.  On Page 10, it shows what makes up the $2,947,000 debt exclusion and the history of the debt exclusion itself.  It goes back to 1990 and also gives you the total valuation of the town which is $2,378,462,000 and the debt exclusion which is $2.9m and the effect the debt exclusion has on the taxes for 2020 which is $497.98 on a single-family dwelling.  On Page 12, there is the history of the residential factor. Since 2008, the shift has remained at 1.26%.  On Page 13, it shows some ‘what-if’s’ if you want to change the shift to the different classifications and what the effect would be. On the last page, it shows the comparisons of most of the tax rates of other towns.  Raynham usually falls in the middle of the pack. In Taunton for 2019, the residential was $15.76 and the commercial was $34.24. The rate for 2020 hasn’t been set at this point.”

The Board thanked Chairman Lalli and the Board of Assessors for all their hard work.  Mr. Pacheco said, “We appreciate all the work that you do on a daily basis and all the preparation for this hearing every year.  I would like to highlight a couple of comments that you said because there continues to be some in our community who spread the unfortunately false propaganda that we are a liberal spending community and it’s just not the case.   You highlighted again this year that we are not going to the levy limit. Had we gone to the levy limit, the tax rate would have increased.  We continue to not do that despite some guidance in the finance community that says we should go to the limit every year and most communities do, so I want to make everyone understand that again they are not proposing to go to the levy limit which is allowable under the law.  Another thing I have advocated for is paying down our debt and we continue to do that, and it continues to have a positive influence on the tax impact on both residential and commercial.  And the third item is the average tax bill for a single-family home is going up approximately $10,000 in valuation as you highlighted, Mr. Chairman, and that does have an adverse effect on the tax bill and people need to understand that as well.  As the value of their home increases, so, too, does the tax bill.  It’s not an increase by the Town. It’s an increase by the market.  I will continue to believe that the 1.26% shift is extremely competitive as you alluded to in this report, as there are a number of communities that have a higher rate than we do as well as our sister community in Taunton, which in my 13 years has maxed out at 1.75%, which is significantly higher and results in a higher residential rate than the Town of Raynham has.  So, when you put all of that together, I continue to say that we are a well- run and fiscally-conservative town. To those of you who continue to spread that propaganda, then shame on you.”  Chairman Lalli said, “I agree.”  Mrs. Smith said, “That’s true. Everybody thinks we spend a lot of money. We really don’t. We spend very conservatively, and we always have”.  Mrs. Smith made a motion to stay at the 1.26% shift, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


New Business

A request for a joint petition of the Taunton Municipal Lighting Plant and Verizon for the proposed location of one (1) new joint pole location on South Street West in Raynham was received.  Mr. Pacheco suggested a public hearing be held at next week’s Selectmen’s Meeting on December 10th.   Mrs. Smith said, “Yes.” Ms. Riley seconded and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Town Administrator’s Report

Town Administrator Graham Waters reviewed his report. He explained, “The Public Safety Project Manager RFP submittal deadline is tomorrow, December 4th at 3:00 p.m. Representatives of the Building Committee will be meeting Thursday to review the submissions.  A selection will be made Friday and brought to the Board on Tuesday, December 10th


Upcoming Meetings


In his report, Mr. Waters also noted that the town’s Christmas tree lighting will take place on Saturday, December 7th at 4:00 p.m. at the Borden Colony Gazebo on King Philip Street. 


The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 10th at Town Hall in the Don McKinnon Meeting Room.


Selectmen’s Report


Mrs. Smith hoped everyone had a lovely Thanksgiving. 


Ms. Riley invited everyone to attend the R.A.V.E. Holiday Craft Fair, which is the primary fundraiser for the R.A.V.E. programs in the Raynham Schools. The event will take place on Saturday from 8:30 – 2:30 at the LaLiberte Elementary School.  There will be 40 crafters inside. Outside Boy Scouts will be selling wreaths.  Santa Claus will make a stop at the Craft Fair and the Tree Lighting later in the day as well.  On Saturday and Sunday, Santa Claus will be riding around town on the Fire Truck with a Police and Fire escort. 


Chairman Pacheco wanted to extend his appreciation to Mr. Buckley and his department for the great job they did keeping the roads clear during our first snowstorm. 




A Tag Day request was received from Norton Youth Football & Cheerleaders for the following dates:  December 5th and 6th.   Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Correspondence was received from Allan Jacobs of 180 Ann Street for a sewer connection request. Mr. Pacheco said that the uniqueness of this request is that the petitioner is in tax arears of over $82,000.  Mr. Jacobs said that he has been ill for some time and has had to have his sewer pumped many times and is now requesting a sewer hookup.  Mr. Michael King, Treasurer/Collector, said that Mr. Jacobs came to his office for a sewer connection, but there is a tax delinquency, so that sign-off was not granted.  The Town By-Law 218 relating to the non-payment of taxes states that licenses or permits shall be denied in the case of the applicant or property owner who has neglected to pay any local taxes, fees, assessments, betterments, or other municipal charges.  Mr. King explained that Mr. Jacobs does have the ability to have a hearing before the licensing authority which is the Sewer Commission. Mr. Pacheco said, “I would agree as we wouldn’t be issuing the permit on this.”  Mrs. Smith said, “I agree to pass it on to the Sewer Commission for their perusal and to make their determination.” Ms. Riley seconded the motion and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Adjournment: At 7:37 p.m., Mrs. Smith motioned, and Ms. Riley seconded, to adjourn for the performance of administrative duties, signing of Bills and Warrants, with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,

Janet Murphy, Recording Secretary