Meeting Information

The Board holds weekly meetings and conducts town business on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 PM at the Town Offices Meeting Room. Generally speaking, this is when the Board holds its public hearings, meets with Department Heads and entertains the ideas, complaints and questions of the townspeople, news media and public-at-large. In addition, this is the time when the Board reviews the weekly warrant for payment of bills and payrolls. The Board's meetings are broadcast on Channel 98, the local public access channel.

While effectively the chief executive officers for the Town, the Board is not all-powerful. Independently elected officials are not answerable to the Board but rather to the voting public. The Board is mandated to carry out the mandates of the legislative branch of Town government, the Town Meeting. Many state laws and state agencies dictate what the Board can and can’t do.

In summary, the Board of Selectmen, more than any other town officials, set the tone for the Town. We have been fortunate to have very public-spirited members who have had the good of the Town as their guiding principle. Disagreements are kept as a professional level rather than personal and a spirit of cooperation is evident.