Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 12/10/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Board of Selectmen                                                                                                     December 10, 2019                                                                                                                           

Chairman Joseph Pacheco called the open meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. in the meeting room at Veterans’ Memorial Town Hall, 558 South Main Street. In addition to Chairman Pacheco, Selectmen Patricia Riley and Marie Smith were in attendance. 


Ms. Riley led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr. Pacheco informed everyone that the meeting is being taped by RayCAM and will be played back at a later time. 


Acceptance of the Minutes


Ms. Riley made a motion to accept the minutes of the meeting held on December 3, 2019, as printed. Mrs. Smith seconded and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Department Heads & Committees


Fire Chief Bryan LaCivita was present to give his report for the month of November.  He said there were 105 fire incidents, 192 ambulance calls, and 112 miscellaneous calls.  He has one firefighter who sustained an off-duty injury that will require surgery. The firefighter is expected to return to duty in February.  The department has upgraded their software to make it easier for the public to make payments for permits.  He applied for a grant and it was approved for $2,992.00 to purchase gloves for the department.  The “Stuff a Truck” events held at both Walmarts raised monetary donations and toys for the Secret Santa program.  The Fire Department held their first annual Santa Run, taking Santa throughout the Town on Saturday and Sunday and making some special stops. Chief LaCivita wanted to thank Jason Karns who planned the route and made sure the special stops were made for the children. Ms. Riley thanked the department for all their work to make this event so special. She stated that these are the kinds of events that are so important in maintaining a sense of community. 


New Business


A joint request was received from the Taunton Municipal Light Plant and Verizon for the location of one new joint pole on South Street West. Chairman Pacheco suggested that it was appropriate to act on the request because it had been announced at the last meeting that the hearing would be held at this time.  Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Mr. Pacheco discussed the new assessments for the Sewer System Expansion Project in Phase Seven, Contracts One and Two. He explained that the vote would be to adopt the assessments as determined by the Sewer Commissioners and notify the Register of Deeds. Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Mr. Pacheco discussed the recommendation by the Public Safety Building Committee for an Owner’s Project Manager, (OPM). He explained that Police Chief James Donovan could not attend tonight’s meeting, but his recommendation was consistent with the rest of the Committee’s. Town Administrator Graham Waters reported that there were over 30 inquiries and seven bidders who submitted and were qualified for the role of OPM. Chief Donovan and Chief LaCivita both participated in the selection process. Mr. Waters explained that, after due consideration, the reviewing members of the committee were submitting three firms to the Board of Selectmen for consideration. He noted that being located in close proximity to the Town and past experience working with the Town were important considerations. He stated, “The thought was that if there was a need for a Project Manager to be onsite, we wanted them to be here in a timely fashion.  That being said, we found Pomroy & Associates to be the leading candidate for #1 position, and CHA Consulting, which is located in Boston, is the #2 choice. The owner of the company is a Raynham resident. Construction Monitoring Services had a strong proposal and is the #3 recommendation.”  Mrs. Smith said she had spoken with Chief Donovan. She stated, “The consensus of the Committee was to go with Mr. Pomroy and Associates as they were the ones who did all the leg work on it. I would move to accept Mr. Pomroy,” Ms. Riley seconded and Mr.  Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Town Administrator’s Report

Mr. Waters reviewed his report as Town Administrator. 

The Town’s new salt shed is operational and minor finishing touches are being implemented. 

On December 3rd, the Town’s response to the snowfall went well.  There was great communication between all departments. 

Mr. Waters attended the latest SERSG Board Meeting on December 4th. The group reviewed and approved various bid responses for roadway-related contracts. 

Mr. Waters also reported that he met with Town Clerk Marsha Silvia to discuss a Government Study Committee project of making the town’s bylaws easier to access and search. 

Mr. Waters also met with the Town’s insurance broker, Joe Bickel, on Thursday December 5th, to discuss the Town’s various policies, the need for updated equipment lists from departments, and the additional steps needed for the implementation of a safety committee. 


Upcoming Meetings


In his report, Mr. Waters also pointed out that there will be a discussion with S & P Global on Monday, December 16th, to review the Town’s financial condition for the upcoming bond sale on the Town’s Phase Seven Sewer Project. 

The Public Safety Building Committee will meet on Tuesday, December 17th, at 2:30 in Town Hall.  There have been no responses to the advertised real estate solicitation. The deadline for offers is Friday, December 13th

The next scheduled Selectmen’s Meeting will be held on Tuesday, December 17th, at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall in the Don McKinnon Meeting Room.  There will be no Selectmen’s meeting on December 24th

The Town Staff’s Annual Yankee Swap will be held on Friday, December 19th, at noon in the Don McKinnon Meeting Room. The next Department Head meeting will be held on Friday, December 19th, at 9:00 a.m.

The next Government Study Committee meeting will be held on January 6th, 2020, at 6:30 p.m. in Town Hall.


Ms. Riley asked Mr. Waters if there was any discussion about updating the Town’s bylaws.  Mr. Waters said, “Yes, and part of what is being discussed between the Town Clerk, myself and the Government Study Committee involves making sure that what we have posted and acted on is accurate, as well as the possibility of making recommendations about what other communities might have that Raynham may want to consider.”


Selectmen’s Report


Mrs. Smith wanted to extend her condolences to the family of Calvin Ellis. She stated, “He was a wonderful gentleman.”  Mrs. Smith said she attended the R.A.V.E. Holiday Craft Fair at the LaLiberte Elementary School and she said it was a wonderful event! 

Ms. Riley wanted to thank RAVE Volunteer Coordinator Becky George, Fundraising Chairperson Michelle Coursey and all the volunteers who helped, as well as everyone who attended the Holiday Craft Fair. She also wanted to extend condolences to the family of Mr. Ellis, who was the Town’s Cemetery Superintendent for many years. 


Adjournment: At 7:16 p.m., Mrs. Smith motioned, and Ms. Riley seconded, to adjourn for the performance of administrative duties, signing of Bills and Warrants, with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,


Janet Murphy, Recording Secretary