Selectmens Minutes 04/09/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Board of Selectmen                                                                                                      April 9, 2019


Chairman Marie Smith called the open meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. in the meeting room at Veterans’ Memorial Town Hall, 558 South Main Street.  Present were Chairman Marie Smith and Selectmen Joseph Pacheco and Patricia Riley.    


Mrs. Smith led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and she reminded everyone that the meeting is being recorded live by RayCAM. 


Acceptance of the Minutes


Mr. Pacheco made a motion to accept the minutes of the April 2nd meeting as printed, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous.   


Department Heads


Chief Jim Januse was present to update the Board on the Activity Report for the Fire Department for the month of March.  The number of calls involving fires, fire incidents, motor vehicle accident investigations, and public assists totaled 99. Ambulance, medical emergencies, motor vehicle accidents and public assists totaled 172. Miscellaneous inspections, fire alarm work and other items of note totaled 94. Mutual aid calls involving fire and ambulance totaled five: 1 ambulance given, 1 ambulance received, 2 fire assists given, 1 fire assist received. There was a total of 737 calls for March 2019, which is 47 more than last year.   Chief Januse updated the Board on several employees who have been out on extended sick leave. Ms. Riley asked him about burning on private property.  Chief Januse said, “Burning season started January 15th and ends on May 1st and you can burn from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. You have to get a permit at the Fire Station. A recording will tell you whether or not you can burn that day.”  Chief Januse asked about the status of the search committee for his successor. Mr. Pacheco said, “I think Mr. Donahue gave until Friday as a deadline (to apply).”  Ms. Riley said she believes the Town Moderator is in the process of setting up the screening committee. Mrs. Smith noted that a letter of interest was received from someone interested in serving as the citizen-at-large on the screening committee. Mr. Pacheco suggested it be forwarded to Town Moderator Donahue.


Mrs. Smith discussed the appointment of Cheryl Bowen as a member of the Council on Aging.  Mr. Pacheco made a motion to appoint, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 

Public Hearing – Transfer of License – Christopher’s Seafood & Steakhouse to Barrels & Boards, David Leghetto, Manager, at 1285 Broadway.

Mr. Leghetto was present to address the Board.  He put a packet together to show the Board his intentions for the establishment.  Mr. Pacheco asked, “Are you buying the building or just the license?” Mr. Leghetto said, “Just the license right now and maybe down the road, the building.”  Mr. Pacheco asked, “Do you have any prior restaurant experience? “ Mr. Leghetto replied, “I bartended for 10 years and I do have a great Chef too, from Raynham which is a key part.”  Mr. Pacheco asked, “What is your plan for TIP certification?”  Mr. Leghetto said that he will have everyone TIP certified at once.  Mr. Pacheco explained that the Board has a zero tolerance for serving to minors as does the ABCC. “We do our own sting operations and it will be an automatic suspension if you violate,” he stated.  Ms. Riley asked what his proposed hours of operation will be and his proposed opening.  Mr. Leghetto said it will be lunch and dinner, seven days a week, and the expectation is that they will open up in early July.  Mrs. Smith invited the Raynham Police Officer in attendance to address the Board and give the Police Department’s report. He explained that a background check was conducted and there was nothing of note.  He said that the license is being gifted from the previous owners.   Mr. Pacheco made a motion to move forward with granting the license and he emphasized the importance of supporting business in the community. Ms. Riley seconded and wished Mr. Leghetto the best of luck, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous.  Mrs. Smith wished him well also. 

New Business


Mrs. Smith discussed the Game Stop license renewal.   Mr. Pacheco made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 


Mr. Pacheco made a motion to table for one week the discussion about the Town Administrator’s position to give members an opportunity to explore options. He noted that he hoped the Board would act quickly for the stability of the Town. Ms. Riley seconded the motion to table the discussion for one week, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 


Town Administrator’s Report

Mr. Flaherty reviewed the Town Administrator’s Report. 

South School is being renovated by RMC Construction and should be done soon. All invoices and bills have been submitted to the insurance company for review. Low levels of asbestos in the tiles have been contained and will be abated soon. 

The invitation for bids for the Council on Aging siding project has been published.  The bids should be back in April and construction should start by May. 

The Annual Town Meeting is set for May 20th with the Special Town Meeting prior to that. The pre-Town Meeting will be Tuesday, May 14th at 7:00 p.m. Fin. Com. is finalizing the Warrant and a final version for signatures will be ready next week. 

There is one opening left on the Historical Commission to replace Ms. Riley.

The next Selectmen’s Meeting will be April 16th at 7:00 p.m.

The next SRSG Meeting is April 17th at 9:30 a.m. in Mansfield.

The next SMHG Meeting will be held on April 17th at 9:00 a.m. in Seekonk.

The next Department Head meeting will be April 18th at 9:30 a.m. 

A request from the Accounting Office was received for an overlay request for the free cash availability for Town Meeting.  The Board approved the request unanimously. 


Selectmen’s Report


Ms. Riley asked if the Finance Committee has an opening.   She said that the Board had received a letter of interest from an applicant who sounded very well-qualified and she wanted to make sure it had been forwarded to the Finance Committee. Mr. Flaherty said, “I believe they have 5 members and I don’t believe there are any openings currently.”  On another matter, Ms. Riley said that RAVE will hold their first organizational meeting for the Memorial Day Parade on Monday, April 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at Merrill School.  Anyone who is interested in volunteering to help or wishes to participate is encouraged to attend.   Ms. Riley also noted that during negotiations this past summer, the members of the clerical union had asked that they each be provided with a copy of their job description, once they have all been updated and printed in a standard format. She said Mr. Flaherty recently told her that he had reviewed and updated them. She asked that the Selectmen receive copies for review and approval next week before they are dispersed.




A public meeting notice was received for a public hearing to be held by the Planning Board on Thursday, April 18th, on an application for a site plan approval for the proposed construction of a 4,608 sq. ft. single story children’s development center building at 366 South Main Street.


A public meeting notice was also received for a public hearing by the Planning Board of April 13th, beginning at 6:05 p.m., for an abbreviated site plan submitted by Highway Superintendent Edward Buckley for replacement of the existing Raynham Highway salt shed with a new high arch gambrel salt shed.


A letter was read by Mrs. Smith thanking Dr. Reamsnyder for all of her help, services and participation in this year’s Rabies Clinic. The letter as drafted by Health Agent Matt Tanis will be sent to Dr. Reamsnyder.


A notice was received for a change of Manager for the Raynham Package Store.  Mr. Pacheco made a motion to set the date for a public hearing to be held on April 23rd, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 


Correspondence was received from the Cape Cod Hunter Horse Shows requesting the use of the Rozenas Field with the use of the EMT services of the Fire Department on the following dates:  April 20th, May 4th, June 15th, August 10th and 17th.  In addition, on behalf of the South East Hunter Association, the date of June 1st was also requested.  Mr. Pacheco made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 


A Tag Day request was received from the Silver City Sharks for the following dates:  April 17th & 18th.   Mr. Pacheco made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 




At 7:30 p.m., Mr. Pacheco motioned, and Ms. Riley seconded, to adjourn for the performance of administrative duties, signing of Bills and Warrants, with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Mrs. Smith made it unanimous. 

Respectfully submitted,

Janet Murphy

Recording Secretary