Selectmens Minutes 05/21/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Board of Selectmen                                                                                                   May 21, 2019


Chairman Joseph Pacheco called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the meeting room at Veterans’ Memorial Town Hall, 558 South Main Street. In addition to Chairman Pacheco, Selectmen Marie Smith and Patricia Riley were in attendance. 


Ms. Riley made a motion to enter into Executive Session in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21, to conduct strategy sessions in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct collective bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel, to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining or litigation if an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining or litigating position of the public body, and also to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property if the chair declares that an open meeting may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the public body. On a roll call vote, Chairman Pacheco and Selectmen Smith and Riley voted in the affirmative to enter into Executive Session.                                                                                                                                     


Chairman Pacheco called the open meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. In addition to Chairman Pacheco, Selectmen Marie Smith and Patricia Riley were in attendance. Mr. Pacheco reported that the Board was returning from Executive Session with nothing to report at this time. 


Ms. Riley led the Board in the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr. Pacheco informed everyone that the meeting was being recorded live by RayCAM. 


Mr. Pacheco asked for a moment of silence for two pillars in the community who passed away this week. Betty Thompson and Shoshanah Garshick each served the community for many years.


Acceptance of the Minutes


Ms. Riley made a motion to accept the minutes of the May 14, 2019 meeting as printed, Mr. Pacheco seconded, and Mrs. Smith voted present. It was so voted with two in favor. 




Ms. Riley stated that at the Historical Commission’s meeting on May 16th, it was voted unanimously to recommend that Karen Jackson of Raynham be appointed to fill the open seat on the Commission. Ms. Riley made a motion to appoint Mrs. Jackson for a three-year term, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


 An Application was received for the Re-Appointment of David DiCenso of Halifax as Constable for a one-year term. Mrs. Smith made a motion to appoint, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Correspondence was received from SRPEDD requesting the Board appoint its representative to the Commission for the 2019-2020 fiscal year. Ms. Riley made a motion to re-appoint Carol Sullivan of Raynham, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Public Hearing – Transfer of License for Harry’s La Casa Mia


Mr. Pacheco called the hearing to order at 7:02 p.m.  Mr. John Travaglione was present to address the Board.  He said, “I have run the restaurant for 40 years and the only thing that is left in my mother’s name is the liquor license and I’d like to transfer it over.” The Board discussed the matter and Mr. Pacheco said, “Everything is in order and we have the report of the Police Department’s review and there are no issues.” Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve the transfer, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.  Mr. Pacheco closed the hearing at 7:03 p.m. 

Mr. Pacheco stated, “A few weeks ago, we had an application for a change of Manager at Greyhound Package Store and we took a unique step of approving it without the report of the Police Department’s review. We have since received the Police Report and to the gentleman’s credit, he was 100% candid with us. There were no issues or concerns.” 


New Business


Three members of the Raynham Association of Volunteers for Education addressed the Board. Mrs. Becky George, R.A.V.E. Coordinator, explained that R.A.V.E. is celebrating its thirty-eighth year of providing volunteers and volunteer programs in the Raynham Schools. One of those programs, Children and Seniors Together or C.A.S.T. Week, will take place in the Raynham Schools next week, co-sponsored by R.A.V.E. and the Council On Aging. She explained that the intergenerational program is designed to bring children and seniors together and instill a sense of community. Mrs. Gay Yelle added, “You can’t talk about R.A.V.E. without talking about Shoshanah Garshick who began the program 38 years ago during a tight budget time we had in the Raynham Schools.  She started it to help teaches in the classroom. To honor the volunteers, there will be a Celebration Brunch next Friday, May 31st. Mrs. Sandy Leahy, who chairs R.A.V.E.’s “Salute To our Veterans” Committee, said, “I want to thank Mr. Buckley and his department and Chief Januse and his department for all their work with the flags that are up for our Memorial Day Parade. This is the kind of community we have. I am very proud of Raynham.  The parade will begin at Merrill School and go through the intersection at South Main Street and end at the Gazebo Park, where there will be a lovely ceremony and we hope everyone comes.” Mr. Pacheco read a Resolution which designates the week of May 26th – June 1st as C.A.S.T. Week.  He also read a Resolution designating May 26th – June 1st as R.A.V.E. Volunteer Appreciation Week, culminating with a volunteer appreciation celebration brunch on Friday, May 31st.    Ms. Riley made a motion to approve both resolutions, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.  Ms. Riley wanted to say that all three ladies do a wonderful job.  She also stated that Mrs. Garshick was a devoted school teacher, a member of the Raynham School Committee for 22 years, and she will always be remembered as the person who started R.A.V.E. in 1981 and led the organization as its first president and as its volunteer coordinator until 1997. Services for Shoshanah will be this Thursday at 11:00 a.m. at the Synagogue in Taunton, the Congregation of  Agudath Achim. 


Mr. Pacheco discussed the Selectmen’s summer meeting schedule. The Board will meet every other week and the dates the Board will meet are as follows:  June 11th, June 25th, July 9th, July 23rd, August 6th, and August 20th Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.  Interim Town Administrator Gordon Luciano noted that even though the Board is meeting every other week in June, Town Hall will remain open from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. In July and August, however, the Town Hall office hours will mirror those of the Selectmen’s meeting nights.  Mr. Pacheco suggested that he post the information on the Town’s website. 


Mr. David Waluka was present, representing Susi Gravel, to request the renewal of their permit.  Mr. Waluka said this is the 26th year they have been doing this. He stated, “We are here for the annual renewal for the Raynham Corp. on Gardner Street. You have the Bond which expires in August, so I would ask that you approve subject to the Bond and the environmental analysis which has already been scheduled.”  Mr. Pacheco said, “This has always been a very clean process and there have never been any issues.”  Mr. Pacheco asked for a motion to approve contingent upon the environmental analysis and the bond. Ms. Riley made the motion, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.   


Mr. Pacheco said, “We have received correspondence from Tim McRae, Director of Park & Rec, stating that the Commission reviewed and voted unanimously to revise the existing lease of land with Antone Arruda at Borden Colony.  In exchange for leasing the 14.5 acres of land at Borden Colony, Mr. Arruda is proposing to mow and maintain the surrounding areas at Borden Colony.  Mr. Arruda is currently paying $1,450 per year and recently the Town paid $2,800 for the fields to be mowed.”  Mr. Pacheco continued, “The amendment would be very favorable to the Town and they would continue with the insurance coverage.”  Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Town Administrator’s Report

Mr. Luciano reviewed the Interim Town Administrator’s Report. 

The advertisement for bids for the salt shed replacement for the Highway Department will be posted Wednesday, May 22, 2019, with an award date scheduled for June 27, 2019.   Mr. Buckley is seeking to use some Chapter 90 funding to allow for paving that will need to take place and that falls under Chapter 90 guidelines. Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Student Government Day was held on Monday May 20th at Town Hal. Mr. Luciano stated that “We had a total of 14 Bridgewater -Raynham High School students who shadowed a Department Head of their choice for the morning.  Ms. Riley and I had four students who we believe we convinced to become future Selectmen.” 


Regarding the Southeastern Regional Services Group, Mr. Luciano recommended that the Board approve the bid award for DPW supplies for a one-year term. Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.


There are committee openings for the Zoning Board of Appeals for a five-year term and for the Finance Committee for a one-year term. 


Upcoming Meetings


Mr. Luciano also reported that the next Selectmen’s meeting will be May 28th at 7:00 p.m. at Town Hall. 

There will be an Executive Session prior to the Selectmen’s meeting under M.G.L.C. 30A, Section 21 at 6:00 p.m. Union Negotiations are ongoing with the Sewer and Highway unions. 

The next scheduled meeting for the Government Study Committee will be held on Wednesday, May 22nd at 6:30 p.m. at South School. 


Selectmen’s Report


Ms. Riley reported that the Historical Commission met last Thursday and reorganized. The Interim Chairman is Mr. Jeff Kelleher, the Interim Vice Chairman is Mr. Louis Bousquet, the Treasurer is Diane McGuire and the Secretary position is yet to be filled. 

Ms. Riley discussed the Town Meeting and was pleased that it was a larger turnout than in the past.  One item that was passed unanimously was the Master Plan update. She requested that Mr. Luciano confer with Building Commissioner and Planning Coordinator Robert Iafrate about meeting with SRPEDD to determine how the Town should proceed. Ms. Riley said that SRPEDD might be able to help the Town access grant funding to pay for a portion of the cost of the Master Plan update.   

Mr. John Teixeira of 122 First Street spoke about how the number of hours available by SRPEDD is figured.  He said, in March and April, SRPEDD accepts requests for different projects. He explained, “If you don’t have a project in then, you run the risk of them using that money on all the other projects.  Or you will have to wait until July 1st for the new money to come in.” Ms. Riley said Mr. Grant King was the SRPEDD representative that she spoke with about the Master Plan. Mr. Luciano asked Mr. Teixeira if someone from the Planning Board would like to collaborate on a Master Plan Committee.




A Tag Day request was received from the Silver City Sharks for the following days:  June 18th – 20th and June 25th – 27th.   Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 

A Tag Day request was received from the Seventh Day Adventist Church for the following days:  July 8th – 11th and July 15th – 18th.   Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Mr. Pacheco said correspondence was received from Walmart stating they have filed an application for a Change of Director.  Mr. Luciano will be coordinating with the Police Department with the standard review as they have a liquor license involved with that.  Mr. Pacheco recommended the Board set a hearing date for June 11th. Ms. Riley made the motion, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.. 




At 7: 35 p.m., Ms. Riley motioned, and Mrs. Smith seconded, to adjourn for the performance of administrative duties, signing of Bills and Warrants, with no business to be conducted afterwards.  Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 


Respectfully submitted,

Janet Murphy

Recording Secretary