Selectmens Minutes 07/23/2019

Meeting date: 
Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Board of Selectmen                                                                                                   July 23, 2019

Chairman Joseph Pacheco called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. in the municipal meeting room at Veterans’ Memorial Town Hall, 558 South Main Street. In addition to Chairman Pacheco, Selectmen Marie Smith and Patricia Riley were in attendance. 

Ms. Riley made a motion to enter into Executive Session in accordance with Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 30A, Section 21, to discuss strategy with respect to, or in preparation for negotiations with nonunion personnel or to conduct bargaining sessions or contract negotiations with nonunion personnel and also to discuss the deployment of security personnel or devices or strategies with respect thereto. On a roll call vote, Chairman Pacheco and Selectmen Riley and Smith voted in the affirmative to enter into Executive Session.  

Chairman Pacheco called the open meeting to order at 7:00 p.m., also in the municipal meeting room at Veterans’ Memorial Town Hall, 558 South Main Street. In addition to Chairman Pacheco, Selectmen Smith and Riley were in attendance. Chairman Pacheco stated that the Board was returning from Executive Session and asked Ms. Riley to give the report of any action taken. She then made a motion to authorize the Highway Superintendent to post the position of laborer. She noted that it was an existing position that had not been filled but was needed at this time. Mrs. Smith seconded the motion and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.

Ms. Riley then led the board in the Pledge of Allegiance and Mr. Pacheco informed everyone that the meeting was being recorded live by RayCAM.                                     


Acceptance of the Minutes

Ms. Riley made a motion to approve the minutes of the July 9, 2019 meeting as printed, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.

Department Heads and Committees

Mr. Matt Tanis, Health Agent for the Town of Raynham, was present to give his monthly report.  He stated that last week he received a report from the Massachusetts Department of Public Health that a positive sample for Eastern Equine Encephalitis had been identified from mosquitos in Easton.  He stated that it is important to note that currently there have been no positive mosquitos found in Raynham and there are no human or animal cases of West Nile Virus or EEE in Massachusetts, but it is important to remain vigilant and take all precautions.   He has discussed this with Bristol County Mosquito Control and they will be spraying all the non-school affiliated town fields.  Mrs. Smith asked if there had been any talk about aerial spraying.   Mr. Pacheco said, “I think the threshold seems to be if there is a human case of the virus, then the level would be raised to high, and then the Commissioner would consider it.”  Ms. Riley said she had also heard that there have been reports of at least 100 cases of a gastrointestinal infection in the state and officials are recommending that everyone carefully wash all fresh fruits and vegetables before consuming them.

Mr. Tim McRae, Park and Recreation Department Director, was present to report on new developments and some of the many programs and activities the department sponsors. He announced that the Department’s before and after school day care license has been expanded. The department will now be able to offer the program both mornings and afternoons at both the Merrill Elementary School and at the LaLiberte Elementary School and the overall numbers that can be accepted into the program have been increased. The School District will also offer an overflow program at the Raynham Middle School for students on a waiting list for the Park and Recreation program.  This is also week five of the Park and Recreation Department’s summer camp program and summer concerts will continue into August. The department is also preparing for their fall activities and planning some field trips including a trip to see “The Lion King” on October 20th. A new Bocce Court has been installed and is now available to everyone.  Mr. McRae wanted to extend a thank-you to all his staff for doing a wonderful job.  Ms. Riley offered congratulations to Mr. McRae and his department for receiving approval to expand the day care license. She pointed out that a lot of work was required to receive that approval. 


The Board discussed the following appointments:  William Palmer - Registrar of Voters; Dan Andrade – Capital Planning Committee; and Paul Dooley – Open Space Committee.   Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 

Citizen & Community Input

Mr. Rick Alphonso of 93 Pine Tree Lane was present to address the Board regarding the proposed dog park and its possible location behind the former South School.  He stated that he has lived on Pine tree Lane for 20 years. He is a Civil Engineer and has done land development all over the State.  “I also recognize Park & Rec and can appreciate what they do,” he stated, “but I have researched dog parks and there is noise and traffic.  This is a residential neighborhood.  I don’t know about hours of operation, gates, and are gates locked during non-operational hours?  Will there be plantings to offer a buffer from neighbors?  Some dog parks are trails in the woods and are hidden. Those make sense.  Will people from other towns frequent it and what happens when the community center has a meeting? Will there be enough parking spaces?   What about environmental issues? Who cleans up after the dogs?  That area drains into Pine Tree Lane. Will it be contaminated?  I also don’t understand about permitting. I think the Selectmen approved three specific sites.  I think there could be a traffic issue and is there some type of Planning Board and Board of Health approval as part of this process?  I would also like to understand what the appeal process is.”  Mr. Pacheco replied that all of those questions will be answered by Park & Rec. “They are here to present their proposal and answer any questions,” he stated, “and, just so you know, there is a tremendous amount of misinformation out there and we did not authorize three sites.”  Ms. Riley pointed out that voters at the November Town Meeting approved $10,000 for the research and design of a dog park, but no site was identified. She said she also wanted to know what the approval process was and suggested the Board ask Town Counsel for clarification. “Who approves the site?” she asked. “Does it go back to Town Meeting? Is it this Board on behalf of the Town?  I’m not sure who would make that final determination.”  Mr. Pacheco indicated that the Board could ask Town Counsel. 

New Business

The Board discussed the revised one-year employment contract for the Town’s Health Inspector effective July 1, 2019.  Ms. Riley made a motion to approve, Mrs. Smith seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 

A request was received from the Park and Recreation Department recommending approval of two one-day liquor licenses for Mike O’Connell of Rock Hard Racing. The dates are October 16, 2019 and November 30, 2019.  Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.

A request was received for the 27th Annual Rodman Ride for Kids to be held on September 20th and conclude on September 21st with approximately 450 riders traveling through Raynham roads.  Mrs. Smith made a motion to approve, contingent upon the approval of the Police Department, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous. 

A request was received for a Kennel License for K & T Doggy Palace, located at 1470 New State Highway.  Mr. Pacheco suggested a public hearing be held on August 6th. The Board agreed on the date.  

Town Administrator’s Report

Interim Town Administrator Gordon Luciano reviewed his Town Administrator’s Report.  He stated, “We have one opening for an Associate Member for the Council of Aging for a two-year term.  Please contact COA Director Elizabeth Moura at the Senior Center for information at 508-824-2740.  There is also one committee opening for the Zoning Board of Appeals for an Associate Member for a one-year term.  Please contact Maureen McKenney at Town Hall for any additional information at 508-824-2745.” 

Mr. Luciano also reported that the Town Administrator’s job posting was placed on the Town website and the Massachusetts Municipal Association’s website on July 10th.  An ad was also placed in The Beacon, a monthly municipal trade magazine that was mailed out July 22nd throughout the state.  Additional information including the full job description can be found on the town website at  The application deadline is Friday, August 16th at 11:45 a.m.

Mr. Luciano also reported that “Council On Aging Director Elizabeth Moura will at the August 6th meeting to update the Board and the Town on the numerous programs and activities going on at the Senior Center., and CGI, the video production company that is currently working on updating our welcome to Raynham site will be in town this Thursday, July 25th, to film various locations of interest for placement on the site, This service is provided at no cost to the town.”

Upcoming Meetings

In his report, Mr. Luciano also reported that the Selectmen’s scheduled meetings for August will be on Tuesday, August 6th , and on Tuesday, August 20th, both at 7:00 at Town Hall, due to the Board’s every other week summer meeting schedule until the week of Labor Day when the Board will return to a weekly meeting schedule. The next scheduled meeting for the Fire Station Building Committee will be held on Tuesday, July 30th at 2:00 p.m.

Selectmen’s Report

Ms. Riley and Mr. Pacheco both spoke about the Raynham Youth Baseball all-star team of 12-year-olds who recently won the New England Championship and are now going to the Cal Ripken League World Series Tournament in California.  They are looking for donations to help defray the costs of the trip. 


At 7: 26 p.m. Mrs. Smith motioned and Ms. Riley seconded to recess the meeting so that the Park and Recreation Commission could hold its public meeting on the proposed location of a dog park at the South School property. Chairman Pacheco made it unanimous, pointing out that following the public meeting, the Board would take no further action other than to adjourn for the performance of administrative duties, signing of Bills and Warrants with no business to be conducted afterwards. Following the public meeting, which concluded at 8:25 p.m., Mrs. Smith made that motion, Ms. Riley seconded, and Mr. Pacheco made it unanimous.


Respectfully submitted,

Janet Murphy

Recording Secretary